When I got Tia, she had a broken pelvis, so I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in this area.
If she is still limping, you need to confine her. She needs to be in a small cage where she can't jump - a cat carrier works well for this purpose. No ledges, no wheels, nothing.
If she isn't eating, grind up her pellets and mix them with water and force feed her. She needs to keep eating, that is a top priority. Also keep her liquid intake up. I do that by mixing some simethicone (anti-gas for infants, you can find it in any grocery store) into the water. They like the taste of the simethicone and it won't hurt them. Get her to drink as much as possible, you want to keep her insides moist especially if she isn't eating.
Don't worry about grinding the hay up, just grind up the pellets and do whatever it takes to get her to eat them. I know this is hard, but it's necessary.