I don't even know where to begin I am so confused and overwhelemed right now.
Just got back from 2 1/2 hours with vet #3 (Dr. W, recommended by Connie the chin breeder). He has pet chins and a lot of his advice seemed in line with what members of the forum say so I think we're on the right track with this one. Although he is also not a fan of the simethicone and does use Berium treatment (I think that's what it's called? I saw in Smudge's impaction thread that one of the vets Stackie talked to doesn't recommened it for chins).
He did a full exam of Lily and discovered that she is not swallowing all of her CC. There is a large buildup in the back of her bottom jaw (but not in her cheeks). Because of when I had fed her he said we couldn't sedate her today. He spent a long time flushing the area with water and trying to swab the food out with some q-tips. He removed enough of it to find that there is a large something on the inside of her cheek/gum area by the very last molar. He wasn't able to remove enough food to see the back molar or determine if it was an abcess, growth or something else. He let me look in the scope and I saw it myself. Whatever it is is is grey-white and infected. He took 8+ xrays of her head and body. Between the head shots and using the tools and orthoscope he determined that her roots look fine, teeth on the upper jaw look fine, and teeth on one side of the lower jaw look fine (I can't remember now if it's the right or the left). However he couldn't get a good enough visual on the side with the Abcess thing to determine exactly what is going on. He's speculating there may be a spur or perhap a splinter of wood or hay irritated it.
The body shots he took are more clear then the xrays from vet #1 and he confirmed there is NO impaction just gas. While we were there his tech fed her 10ml of CC and her poop production got a bit better and the size increased.
He thinks nutrition is Key for the GI tract he wants me feeding her 10ml of CC 3-4 times a day. He wants me mixing the CC with water, acidophilus, and a touch of pure papaya juice (for the digestive enzymes) I am to stop the Cisipride for now. He said the meloxicam is good but warned me that too much would be bad for her kidneys?
As far as the Abcess thing I am to give her .32cc of Bactrim every 12 hours (now that we have an antibiotic I know I need to hold acidophilus for 4 hours). I'm also giving her water via syringe to try to flush the build up of food. He is hoping that with the antibiotics and pain meds the thing will start to clear up, she'll be more willing to use her tongue to get the food out.
He is going to stay in contact with me through the weekend and we're hoping that by early next week I can bring her back and he can determine more about the Abcess thing and it's cause (filing a spur if necessary etc...) He wants to avoid irritating the abcess as much as possible so for the weekend I've been instructed to take all wood and hay out of her cage. She has her water bottle and some pellets (which she's not eating much of anyway), and is living in a fleece bubble. I've got some spare fleece and I'm going to make covers for a few of her ledges so she can still climb.
I'm really pleased with the way he took time to explain things to me. He showed me all her xrays, allowed me to look down her mouth and see for myself, and pulled out his medical books to show me examples of things. He also encouraged me to update Dr. Matt (in IL) about the situation, and that he would be happy to talk to Dr. Matt about anything. Which is good because if this isn't over by the time we go home for the holidays Dr. Matt will be taking care of her.
I'm embarrassed because of all the stress I'm under (both with this and other things) when he wanted to do head xray's it sent me over the edge and the worry of malo triggered an anxiety attack. With trying to work myself out of that and trying to stay focused on understanding what he was saying and asking questions I didn't get the xrays, but I will be going back in the future so if I get them I will share. This is so different from what either of the other 2 vets had to say I'm still trying to process it all.