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My Beasts

The babies sleeping together. They clicked right away.

The Princess Lola. I got up to use the potty and I came back to my spoiled pup under the covers head resting on my pillows. She does this at least once a day.

Koa in our car ride to Miami. He is so well behaved. He slept most of the time after this picture was taken. But look how happy he is! He is winking for the camera!
Awwwww I LOVEE ALL THE PUGGIES!! They're too cute!!

Here is Joo Joo!! She's a Pugapoo because my bf loves pugs but I can't take the shedding...I love how she kept the pug curly tail trait (shows in the last pic) and also the non-shedding trait from the poodle...She's perfect. :)


Puppy Shot


She thinks that I can't see her chewing on her bed...


Chewing on her Mr. Squeeky Octopus...I keep telling her that sitting with her legs splayed out like that is so unlady-like but she never listens :hair:
Again...with Pugapoo, should you get tired of her send her out here. That is one adorable little doggie! :)

How old is she? She looks so precious and snuggly.

You all are killing me with the doggie pictures... Awwwwww!!!

Hehee that won't be anytime soon..

She's 5-ish months right now and teething... She just lost two little teeth that I found lying around :)
All of your doggies are so adorable!!! I'm having an "aww" fest here.


This is our Rusty! My boyfriend has had him since he was a puppy but I don't have any pictures of him then. The breeder told Jason's parents that he was a purebred golden retriever, but we think he must have something else in him cause he's 115 lbs! He's not even overweight, just a huge dog.


This was Molly, my cocker spaniel. My poor baby got hit by a car last Christmas

This is Missy, my mom's border collie mix:
Okay so these are really my moms, but they were mine too until I moved out...so here are just a few pics from my computer!


here's Mable with her 9 new puppies!!!


more puppies ;)


Maggie RIP -my dog of 14 yrs!


three of the four, Maggie, Mable and the big golden is Layla...we also have a white golden boy named Brody...
For something neat, here's a picture of the last dog I fostered before I left college. Her name was Dana, and each of the puppies was named after a different god or goddess from mythologies around the world (Posideon, Llyr, Tyr, Loki, Ek Chua, Hercules, Freya, Kali, and... yeah, one more little male whose old name I can't remember). The mother, we guessed, was part Bloodhound and part Shepherd or Lab. The vet guessed that the father was probably part Rottweiler because, of 9 puppies 1 of them looked *exactly* like a Rottweiler (baby Kali, female goddess of destruction), but the rest were shades of blond and red like Dana (which means "mother of the gods").

Wow...I had no idea! :) But, I know nothing about breeding dogs...so that shouldn't be a surprise! :)

It's actually very simple with labs for their coat color. You can have two sets of genes that contribute to the coat color. The one that codes for black is commonly given the letter "B" and the one that codes for yellow is commonly given the letter "E". If you have a heterozygote for "B" (Bb) then you get a chocolate lab and if you have a homogygote for "B" (BB) then you get a black lab. The yellow is interesting because regardless of what "B" you have, if you have a homozygous recessive "E" (ee) then you will always have a yellow lab. It's called masking but that's why a yellow lab can have a black or even chocolate lab. It all depends on the genetics.;)

I LOOOOOVVVEEE the pictures of the moms and their babies!! Too cute!:hearts:
Here is my almost 2 yr (2 in Sept) Shih Tzu, Bear! He's quite stubborn and bull-headed....typical Shih Tzu attitude...little dog with a big attitude!

Bear looks like he has a lot of attitude! Look at that face.

Thanks for the information, Tab...I just never knew! :) All those little babies are just a different color than mama. I love puppies! (I know, random Susan comment...at least it makes a little sense here.)
Aww puppies! I love puppies, except the puppyness! Wish they came housetrained lol!

Here's Lila as a puppy!


Then I should have known she'd be weird.. To this day she still continues to lay upside down in weird positions and just stare at me. Or make weird banshee sounds..


I keep trying to get her weird sounds on video. I've never heard a dog talk the way she does. One time when we were at puppy class she was angry with me for not letting her play with the other puppies and she started making her banshee sounds and the instructor stopped in the middle of her speech and said "Is that even a dog?!"
Now she makes the sound when she's playing with Maka. And it's funny because now Maka is trying to make the sound back at her.
Allie- I have a doberman that will constantly talk up a storm in this sing-song sort of way whenever my hubby and I wrestle. I have no idea why he does it, but he does it everytime we play. It is the weirdest noise ever! I need to tape it and try to win some money off my silly dog!
You should video it too! We can see if they're talking the same! Haha! Having worked with dogs, I had never seen one make this noise it was just so odd!

She's been making it since I got her. My boyfriend laughs at me because he remembers probably the first week I got her, I called him crying because she wouldn't stop making the sound at me and I had no idea what she wanted! It didn't help that my downstairs neighbors were idiots and got angry when she even just walked around the apartment. They went on to get a dog themselves and he turned into a terror. But anyways, it's just so cute now!
Allie, my dog Nola does the same thing. She will randomly lie on her back and just make odd noises and bark at her reflection in the fireplace. Dogs are odd.

Here's a few more of her.




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