Leg emergency, help!

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I want some of that free money! I don't even want to think of all the money I have spent on vet bills in the last dozen years! Can you even imagine what that would be if I added it up?

Bianca - the person, who started this thread, started out looking for a quick FREEEEEE fix for a potentially very costly problem. The tone was always there and it was set by that original post...then we got called names like judgmental. If I am not there and can't look at a chin to see if a leg is broken or not, I say GO TO THE VET. There's no judgment, just pointing out the obvious. Then again, some people consider "the obvious" to be tremendously insulting...for some reason.
I want some of that free money! I don't even want to think of all the money I have spent on vet bills in the last dozen years! Can you even imagine what that would be if I added it up?

Bianca - the person, who started this thread, started out looking for a quick FREEEEEE fix for a potentially very costly problem. The tone was always there and it was set by that original post...then we got called names like judgmental. If I am not there and can't look at a chin to see if a leg is broken or not, I say GO TO THE VET. There's no judgment, just pointing out the obvious. Then again, some people consider "the obvious" to be tremendously insulting...for some reason.

no, i know. and i agree completely. not to go off topic or anything.. i just think that YES, vet care is very necessary.. but i feel like some replies were saying that she doesn't WANT to go to the vet, rather than financially not being able to.

and yess... i know. i dont think it was right for people to be called "judgemental" because its not what this forum is about.. obviously ppl are trying to tell the poster how to help their animal. i take offence to some things said by the original poster.. but i also replied to this because i think we should stop assuming that theyre not trying. thats all. nothing less,nothing more.

--sorry if any one took my reply in the wrong way--

but yeah, the vet is the best decision of course. just wanted to say good luck and that i hope the poster has better luck with finances (i.e. vet care)..
Don't worry about it... :) It's okay! I know how you feel. I have tried for years to find good in a lot of people. :p

We do all have financial problems. I don't think there's anyone on this forum we would consider super rich.... Any lottery winners here? When I hit the powerball I will be able to throw money at everything... :D
Looking at Dizzynoise's profile she has not been on the forum since "09-13-2010 04:58 AM" so it is unlikely that we're going to get a response in a hurry.
Part of the frustration is that these threads are common. Person comes on and wants help, they are told to get to a vet, they can't and then they try to reationalize why. I can't remember any thread that says, "no it's okay don't go to the vet" so I don't know why the surprise from some of these posters.

Vet bills can be high but you have to deal with it. I had a rough mounth where I spent $800 in vet bills and was looking at a surgery for at least another $1000. I sucked it up and was going to take out a loan for that. It ended up that surgery wasn't going to be an option.

My sister just spent $5000 on her cat and that bill is still going up. It sucks but it happens when you own pets.

Hopefully the chin will be okay but most times, they never return.
IMO, if you are financially unstable, owning a pet is no longer an option for you. Whenever I've seen someone in a financial bind it has never failed that their pets will get sick or injured and require vet care. Pets are great and loving them is great, but there is more to owning a pet than "trying" or "loving". When it comes to an animal needing vet care, you either do or you don't, no excuses.

I can't count the number of threads I have seen like this in this year alone. Members that come on asking for advice, usually looking for a cheap, free and easy solution. When they don't get one, every member of the board is called names and told they are judgmental for offering advice. It gets tiresome seeing it over and over again and after a few posts where the person does not listen, things usually head south. If these people truly cared about their pets they would find a way. Where there is a will...there is a way. If I needed to, I would hit up each and every single one of my friends/family for money for a vet bill or I'd take on a ridiculous amount of debt while picking up extra jobs, etc. People tend to decide that if it doesn't fit perfectly at that moment, then someone else should help them or they can just wait for things to change.
Pet ownership is a privilege not a right, the pet is dependant on YOU for everything and if you can't take care of the needs the pet needs to be rehomed, period. People either let the pet suffer or use the easy route and play the euthanasia card and some how are able to look into a crystal ball and know the chin just would not survive the vet treatment. I have no idea how one can look into a mirror and feel good about yourself knowing a animal is suffering under your care and you are doing nothing about it.
Pet ownership is a privilege not a right, the pet is dependant on YOU for everything and if you can't take care of the needs the pet needs to be rehomed, period. People either let the pet suffer or use the easy route and play the euthanasia card and some how are able to look into a crystal ball and know the chin just would not survive the vet treatment. I have no idea how one can look into a mirror and feel good about yourself knowing a animal is suffering under your care and you are doing nothing about it.

Well said Dawn!
Update- the chinchilla is fine. It just ended up being a small sprain and was back to normal the next morning. (I messages the poster to see how the chin was and thankfully everything is ok!)
Interesting. Sprains usually take longer to heal than fractures in most humans and animals. Strange that it would go from being so bad as to be unusable to hunky dory overnight, with no post from the OP, only PM to you.
True, true. I have a boy here who sprained his back foot over 6 months ago and he still sometimes has small issues with it.
You just learn someting new every day, it is a miracle that happened since all the chins who had sprains I read about it takes months. I wonder how the OP got the PM since they have not logged in since 9-16.
Sometimes a chin will have a splay leg from getting it caught somewhere and it takes a day or two to go back to normal...but that would be the case where there isn't a sprain at all, it would have more to do with it just being slightly sore.

The problem with sprains is that sometimes they have a lot of nerve damage involved. From what was described here it sounded pretty bad.

Lenny still isn't 100% and may never be. He had what technically would be considered a sprain but also sustained severe nerve damage in one of his hind legs and in his tail. It was so bad that certain muscle groups actually atrophied and over a very short time, mind you. It's been over a year now. When he started using his tail, it was a bit of a miracle.

But, yes, a severe sprain could take months to heal up so that the chin regains full use...and then after that it could take awhile to rebuilt muscles that weren't used while the chin was in pain. (I was going to say sore, but "in pain" is a much better description.)
Wow this was a very intense thread hehe. I just like going through and reading these so I dont post the same question everyone else does. I have seen this situation many times in my short time on this site. People want a miracle.I think all of the responses were very helpful. Some were blunt but still very sound advice. People are just so quick to get defensive and they forget that thay asked for the advice. I am just glad that this site exists because it is obvious everyone loves their chins and cares about the welfare of others. It is a relief to know that if I have a question or a minor concern I can get everyones opinion and then take the neseccary actions. I was so freaked out when I first got Cosmo and I have calmed down a great bit from reading posts and realizing that it is normal hehe. So thanks to everyone on this site who takes the time to answer these questions (no matter how silly some may be). I know it must get frustrating dealing with the same questions and people who wont heed your advice.:clap1:
Update- the chinchilla is fine. It just ended up being a small sprain and was back to normal the next morning. (I messages the poster to see how the chin was and thankfully everything is ok!)

Wow what a miracle I have seen sprains and the quickest I have seen them back to 100% was like two weeks....I guess doesn't really matter in the end if you don't want to care for your chinchilla that is all on you.
Miracles are super!

Two weeks is pretty good. I had one with a sprain back maybe three months ago. He limped around on and off for about a month. It was weird, he was all better and then he wasn't the next day. Then one day he was just all better. :)