I am going to London this weekend (Sat morn-Mon evening) and I'm worried about leaving my chinchilla alone. My mum will be able to change her food, hay and water both days, and check she's doing okay, and I'll leave the radio on for some environmental stimulation. I don't think that she'll be confident enough to let my chinnie out for playtime, as it's quite a big room and she's had no experience, but I'll do it Friday and Monday evening, so that's only 2 days missed.
My real concern is that my sister's wedding is in two weeks, similar time frame (2 nights alone) but there will be no one there to check on her, and due to the nature of the building I live in, and the alarms etc, I cannot give a friend or neighbour a key to check up on her.
Would it be better to take her somewhere else for the weekend, or is it better to keep her in a place she is comfortable? Her cage is of similar size to a critter nation, so moving her would require buying a new, smaller cage to home her wherever I took her. Will she be okay on her own for 2 nights, or is it just too much of a risk? Thanks in advance x
My real concern is that my sister's wedding is in two weeks, similar time frame (2 nights alone) but there will be no one there to check on her, and due to the nature of the building I live in, and the alarms etc, I cannot give a friend or neighbour a key to check up on her.
Would it be better to take her somewhere else for the weekend, or is it better to keep her in a place she is comfortable? Her cage is of similar size to a critter nation, so moving her would require buying a new, smaller cage to home her wherever I took her. Will she be okay on her own for 2 nights, or is it just too much of a risk? Thanks in advance x