Lan63 and her Midwest issues

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Oh LOL Lynn! I can't believe you referenced Wikipedia--where anyone can make up their facts! Hey I could go on their right now and remove Missouri from the Midwest--light bulb moment!!!!!
Oh sure Laurie - NOW Wikepedia is wrong, but up above you were all for it. I see how you are.

Thank you Lynn. Even more proof to back up that Missouri is in the midwest.

Neener, Neener, Laurie. :)
I'm pretty sure Kentucky is considered South..however, I'm sorry Laur..but Missouri is sooooo Midwest!



Plus many more websites that you can turn up through googling "Midwest States"!
Wait a sec, All of Oregon and Washington don't call themselves Pacific, except for the coastline it's called the Northwest. And in Northern Idaho and Spokane Wa we say Inland Northwest. And I am speaking as a lifelong (44) year resident of the NW and Inland NW.
OMG I can't believe Ash the biggest redneck of em all is trying to call Texas the midwest! Good thing John Wayne is dead or he'd kick your butt--little lady!!!!

Well all I'm going to say is I'm right and ya'll are wrong!!!! How's that for a Texas accent on a Wisconsin gal? LOL!

I loved it when I talked to Shayna the other night and she said she like my Wisconsin accent. Excuse me but Wisconsinites don't have an accent LOL!!
No way is Texas midwest! And Laurie, Wisconsinites do have accents, especially if you're from the Northern areas. Then they sound like hicks lol! But chances are if you can notice the accent, then you don't sound like them. So at least I don't sound like a hick!
Having lived there for a bit, I don't think Texas can be properly classified as anything except "Texas"
Laurie - You guys definitely have accents. Just listen to someone say goht or coht. Cracks me up. I love it. People from SD do the same thing with Dakohda. I never noticed it until my nephew laughed about it when visiting from West Virginia (cuz of course there's no accent THERE) and then I started listening and sure enough.

People swore I had an accent when I went to New Jersey (!) from Ohio. I thought - huh? We're so boringly white bread in Ohio, we wouldn't know an accent if it bit us in the butt.

And Ash - Stop smoking that wacky tobacky - Texas is not midwest. Girl if it was any farther south you'd be IN Mexico!
All I know is that midwesterners have the "best manners"! Well, this is what the owner of one of the busiest sundry shops in Vegas said to me, LOL!
OK, foul on everyone for using Wikipedia as a reputable source!!! ;)

Second, maybe this will blow your mind...
I live in Southern Indiana, near an area that was crucial to the Underground Railroad...

... and the mascot of the school where I work is the REBEL. Honest to God, we have Confederate Soldiers on our report cards, and in Wal-Mart, I'm pretty sure I heard someone refer to the "War of Northern Aggression."

P.S. I think Missouri was considered a Southern state during the war because of the Missouri Compromise. I'm not sure about now, though I would lean toward the midwest.
Ha, this is a funny thread! I have to go with Laurie and Rick on this one and say to me, Missouri is southern, and they DO have accents. I worked at a bar in the Mall of America for years and got to know all sorts of accents and then see their ids, so I got an idea of what people sounded like.

I think northern minnesotans and wisconsinians have accents, I have a small one, I say ruff instead of roof and a few other things people here in Florida make fun of me for, like pop instead of soda!
Having been born and raised a Missourian, I consider the state to be split. If you were from south of Jefferson City, where I was raised, you were considered southern. I was raised North of that line and we considered ourselves midwestern.
I agree with Kalandra so I'm on neutral territory! Though before I saw Kalandra's post I was going to say it's midwest...:innocent: Sorry Laurie!