Kurtis <3

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I picked up Kurtis this morning, he is three months old. He's exploring his new cage at the moment. He is a VERY cute little standard boy. I will post pics as soon as he settles in. He doesn't mind being held and is extremely calm, although he did tear up the kitty vet box I brought him home in, lol.

Can't wait to update you guys! Stay posted for pictures!

Haley, it isn't fair to share without pictures! We're chin addicts and we need more, more, more! Congrats on your new little guy!
Exactly what I'm thinking, how dare you tease us with this thread without any pics! JK, congratulations, now hurry up and post some pics PLEASE :D
Congrats, I agree....pictures are a need not a want!
Alright, I do have a question, I have them in different stories of the FN142, but should I get a smaller cage and keep the baby in the bathroom or something? They're separate but HOW separate should they be at first?
Quarantine should be done in separate cages in separate rooms so it's too late now. Just make sure you keep an eye on both of them and if you notice any signs of illness in either one of them let us know. You'll want to check for sniffles and sneezing and things like that.
Kurtis is a cute name! I have a good friend named Kurtis!
You should have put the baby in a separate cage in a separate room to begin with. Where did you find your kit? I guess at this point quareentine is moot. But I know a breeder who had someone bring a chinchilla in when they came by and got their whole group sick even though the visiting chinchilla appeared healthy.
I agree, it's too late now. Moving your baby chin will not make a difference since some illnesses can be airborne so chances are your first chin has already been exposed to it.
But not only that, but I would have kept the baby chin in a quiet room for a couple days anyways to just let them get used to you and the new smells of your house.
Hopefully the place you got the new chin from is a reputable place which would lessen the likelihood of him having anything, but you just never know.
Alright, well I'll keep a very close eye on them both. If anything seems off I'll be sure to have it checked out immediately. I got him from a local breeder in Cambell, I've visited the whole herd three times, he's got some affectionate chins, they all appear healthy, but I'm still going to keep a close watch on both of them for the next month or so.

Here's some long awaited pics of Kurtis, he's harder to catch on camera than Kingston is because he doesn't sit still! He started falling asleep towards the end. And the last one is Kingston saying hello to everyone!





So there he is, he got Kingston's hammock and monkey since Kingston's just obsessed over his toy carrot and launching it across his cage, so I'm sure he'll live without them til I order them each their own sets of cage stuff.
I just noticed maybe I didn't move Kingston's carrot down, I'd better get on that or I'll have a grumpy lil man
Aw, I love his sleepy little look! :p

(Is that one of the Snak Shak things? I'd rec' taking that out. :) )
I think it is one of the Snak Shak bottoms. I'll take it out, but why is it not recommended?
It's not recommended because one of the ingredients in it is honey. Honey has sugar, which we know is not good for chins.
I see, well he has the old Chinchilla hut that Kingston had before I made him one, so he still has a hide now that that's out. He's enjoying himself, roaming around and eating, no drinking yet. I'll keep you guys updated.