Kunya, my smiling chinnie!

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Here's Kunya, enjoying a good old scratch!
Yes, that definatly looks loke a smile - that picture should be on a greeting card!!
Very nice!!
Thanks....it took me awhile to capture that moment! He's such a sweetheart! He always looks at me when I finish petting him like, "what!?!? I want more!!" Lol...and I always cave in!
That's Carmen's in love with scritches look! That is such a great picture!! Kunya is a handsome lad for sure! :)
Ah, a good scratch feels so good! And no, they don't want you to stop. I'll give little scritches to Tink and you can always tell when you get a really good spot! Their whole body kind of contorts and twists so you can really get in there and get that spot. Then they look at you like you're a hero!
Thanks everyone! I enjoyed reading your comments! Kunya is my happy lil lovebug!