Kitty litter stuck

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Oct 8, 2011
Austin, TX
Hey all. I just got my hedgie last week and he's been adjusting well.

Recently though, I picked him up and I noticed blood on my hand (not a lot at all, but still there). I was very upset because I just got him and I don't know what could be wrong. I picked him up and looked at his privates and there was kitty litter stuck in his penis. I managed to get it all out and everything seems fine.

I took all the kitty litter out but should I keep worrying about it?
I would monitor it very closely. Personally, I'd take him to a vet, but I realize money is tight for everyone, so it's up to you. If it gets infected, it won't take long to do some serious damage. They're so tiny...
It is possible he might have an infection. Since there was blood, he was cut. Considering the area and that most hedgies potty in the wheel when they run and are low to the ground the cut could easily get infected. Keep a very close eye on him and keep him clean. I would recommend going to the vet. Definitely if you have any concerns. The vet can also do a new hedgie wellness check which is a good idea.

Also you might want to look into a different type of litter. Since hedgehogs are low to the ground thing like that can happen. I am not sure what is recommended, if you do a search I am sure you will find something. I just use paper towels under his wheel.
Switch to paper towels. If he has gotten litter stuck once, it will happen again. Paper towels will probably be a better choice.

How is the penile area now? Any sign of redness or swelling of any kind?
Thanks guys. I took all the kitty litter out and I will switch to paper towels.

I think he's all better now :) He recently peed with no blood at all, and there's no redness/swelling. I'm so happy! :)