King Prolapsed--anyone have a survivor?

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I was just thinking about this thread and thought for people possible going through this I should say this happened in March it is now September and King is alive and well and has gotten his beautiful coat back and has his girlies expecting (I believe)

this is awesome kristy! its great to know that recovery is possible. i hope that owners who see this thread know how important time is. we never stopped believing in you and king!

glad to know he'll be a daddy lol
I had a female Chinchilla recover from prolapse a few years ago. Woke up one morning to find blood everywhere on her and around her. Rushed her to to Vet where she pushed it all back in and gave her antibiotics and and put a suture in top keep it all in place. She told me the chin probably wouldn't last the night. I deal with heavy horses so I have a bit of knowledge when it comes to internal recovery of herbivores. So I got my baby home and started her with some good fresh hay and prune nectar diluted to half strength with water. Gave her about a cc a day of such a mixture. Vet called the next morning to expect bad news and all I had was good news. My baby was doing fine, eating well and jumping around as usual. Its been 4 years and 9 baby Chinchillas and all is well. Prunes help quite a bit to control catabolic oxidation in stressed animals due to their high antioxidant level. I highly recommend them!