Kaytee Timothy Hay

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Active member
Jan 20, 2012
Is Kaytee Timothy Hay alright to feed your chinchilla? I'm a newbie and I bought Oxbow Pellets for feed and I was just wondering if Kaytee was an alright brand to buy when it came to Timothy Hay. Thanks.
There are better brands out there, but I use that hay for my chinchillas. Good choice on pellets.
I use mazuri chinchilla food (mainly because I can buy it in bulk at the local feed store)...as for hay I used to go with farm fresh from farmerdave.biz and the chins would go crazy for it, but unfortunately it made my asthma go crazy as well.

I now use I believe it's Standlee brand Hay Cubes that I get from tractor supply company (really cheap) and sometimes order the hay pellets from either farmerdave or wherever I can come across them when in need.
I use it every now and then when its on sale at my work! So its alright but I do like ordering from Oxbow!
I have avoided it- I don't trust those strange additives they put in there

the plain kaytee timothy hay has nothing but hay in it, as far as i know. it's not the best quality hay in my opinion, but works if your chin will eat it.

my boys turn their noses up at kaytee hay. heck, even the wild jackrabbits around here won't touch it (i put out a bit of hay for them now and then in the winter. the rabbits go nuts for oxbow hay).