Aneesa's Muse
Okay.. I'm pretty new to Chinchillas and I sort of took a crash course when Phoenix got here... thanks to all of you that helped us through! :wave:
Now, I am faced with two new chin'kids that are coming to me from less than fantastic (but not quite as bad as Phoenix's ordeal) household and care ..they will be here tomorrow afternoon. Some of their known issues are excessive treats (raisins, candy of various kind, fresh and dried fruit, vegetables, etc.), poor quality staple food, sporadic hay availability, low calcium intake ..hence their "pretty white teeth" ~sarcasm~ ..questionable water supply, very little human contact and so on.
Sooo.. my initial concerns are for switching them to a better staple ..Oxbow... and doing it cold turkey. Then offering more Timothy hay and boosting their calcium intake some ..they have "pretty white teeth" remember?
To counteract any bad effects that could stem from such a blatant diet change, I have Simethicone drops (Baby Gas-x) ..Chamomile tea ..Mint tea ..Smoothie Tums ..plain Pedialyte ..Critical Care ...and Life Line. I also have a probios formula (it's "not less than 10 million CFU*/5g or 1 rounded tsp."), and my personal supply of a capsulated version that I think has a higher "cootie count" ..but I ran out and will pick up more in the morning. (If you have a particular brand that you prefer, I'm open to suggestions ..as my version is about $25 a bottle
I'll give one full dropper of Simethicone to each girl 3x a day... correct?
I'll give 1/4 of a Tums tablet to each girl daily for week, and check for improvement... correct?
If the probios (probiotic) that I have is sufficient, I will put 1/2 tsp. on their food, per girl (or should I adjust that down since one could eat more than the other?). If I should get a higher "cootie count" probiotic, is one capsule sprinkled on the bowl of food sufficient for both girls? Or... ?
Should I set up two or more water bottles ..and make sure there is Chamomile or Mint tea in one of them ..just in case there's a tummy ache?
How often should I look at poo pebbles ..for misshapen or icky ones ...and how often should I palpate their little tummies for bloating, etc. ..checks? Once daily.. twice.. more?
One last thing... since there are two ..and they are bonded girls, would it be very risky to put them in separate enclosures ..but very close to each other.. for the time it takes to change diet and all that? I mean, just so I can actually tell who's doing what ..as far as poo pebbles and such? Or is that just overkill ..and asking for trouble with re-intros, etc. ? (After all, I can just sit close by ..hours on end ...and monitor the production of poo pebbles ...y'know ..in between my C'nH time
I think that's it ..for today
*CFU = colony forming units
Now, I am faced with two new chin'kids that are coming to me from less than fantastic (but not quite as bad as Phoenix's ordeal) household and care ..they will be here tomorrow afternoon. Some of their known issues are excessive treats (raisins, candy of various kind, fresh and dried fruit, vegetables, etc.), poor quality staple food, sporadic hay availability, low calcium intake ..hence their "pretty white teeth" ~sarcasm~ ..questionable water supply, very little human contact and so on.
Sooo.. my initial concerns are for switching them to a better staple ..Oxbow... and doing it cold turkey. Then offering more Timothy hay and boosting their calcium intake some ..they have "pretty white teeth" remember?
To counteract any bad effects that could stem from such a blatant diet change, I have Simethicone drops (Baby Gas-x) ..Chamomile tea ..Mint tea ..Smoothie Tums ..plain Pedialyte ..Critical Care ...and Life Line. I also have a probios formula (it's "not less than 10 million CFU*/5g or 1 rounded tsp."), and my personal supply of a capsulated version that I think has a higher "cootie count" ..but I ran out and will pick up more in the morning. (If you have a particular brand that you prefer, I'm open to suggestions ..as my version is about $25 a bottle
I'll give one full dropper of Simethicone to each girl 3x a day... correct?
I'll give 1/4 of a Tums tablet to each girl daily for week, and check for improvement... correct?
If the probios (probiotic) that I have is sufficient, I will put 1/2 tsp. on their food, per girl (or should I adjust that down since one could eat more than the other?). If I should get a higher "cootie count" probiotic, is one capsule sprinkled on the bowl of food sufficient for both girls? Or... ?
Should I set up two or more water bottles ..and make sure there is Chamomile or Mint tea in one of them ..just in case there's a tummy ache?
How often should I look at poo pebbles ..for misshapen or icky ones ...and how often should I palpate their little tummies for bloating, etc. ..checks? Once daily.. twice.. more?
One last thing... since there are two ..and they are bonded girls, would it be very risky to put them in separate enclosures ..but very close to each other.. for the time it takes to change diet and all that? I mean, just so I can actually tell who's doing what ..as far as poo pebbles and such? Or is that just overkill ..and asking for trouble with re-intros, etc. ? (After all, I can just sit close by ..hours on end ...and monitor the production of poo pebbles ...y'know ..in between my C'nH time
I think that's it ..for today
*CFU = colony forming units