Just got two new Chins, ready for breeding

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Well, this thread has pretty much gone the way I thought it would, even though I was hoping it would mellow a bit.

First, there are several people in this thread giving advice who shouldn't be. It wasn't too long ago that you were going to be the next great super breader yourself. There are also people who just flat out don't know what they are doing and shouldn't be giving advice to others.

So, Takura, this thread is no surprise. We all knew from the moment you came on forum that you were going to breed in spite of any advice given or research done. Here's a little bottom line. The economy sucks. People with much more experience and a whole lot more contacts than you have can't get chins moved out of their barns. You're ready to breed. Good for you. And where do you plan to place the offspring? You already got rid of your pet chins, so obviously they will not be pets for you. So what do you plan to do with them? Have you thought that far ahead? Do you have a list of buyers waiting in the wings, because I can guarantee you, when the kits are born they will suddenly become ghosts. It's happened to all of us.

Here's what's going to happen, and please, stop me if I'm wrong. You are going to let someone out to play, and someone else is going to accidentally get out to play too and "whoops" somebody's pregnant! Happens alllll the time with folks who aren't going to breed, are doing research, are ready to breed but aren't going to breed, who are going to breed no matter what you say, who are going to attend a show, and aren't going to breed until then, but they got the chins "just in case", and most likely won't use them. Do you see where I'm going with this? What I'm trying to say is, been there, done that, bought the T-shirt.

So if you're going to breed, breed. Try and do it responsibly, but don't expect a ton of sympathy when you come whining when something goes wrong because you are 17 and no, you are not prepared. You've had chins 5 minutes and already you're a breeder. That'll last until you leave home for college or until something better comes along, then you'll sell out. The flash and burns, own a chin for 5 minutes then HAVE to breed them, usually do.

Now, I'm bored with this thread, and it's just going to turn into 100 pages of don't breed, I'm not going to breed, blah, blah. So let's just nip it in the bud right now. Stick around, learn what you can, but in the end you'll do what you're going to do.
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