just got a chin! why is he loosing fur?

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New member
Sep 8, 2012
Hello eveyone my name is Danielle and I am a new owner of a white chin!! He is 3 years old and his name is Apollo. I took him in after his owner had to get a new apartment and couldnt take him with. Since we got him home (been here for 3 days) he is very shy, kind of like hisses or grunts when we try to hold him and he is loosing allot of fur!!

Just wondering if anyone can tell me why he is doing these things and is there any reccomendations on how to help him warm up to us? Anything would be great!!! Thanks guys!! I really want my chin to love me! :)
He probably needs you to slow down with him and let him get accustomed to his new surroundings. He's not ready to be held, he needs to get to know you and trust you first. There are a lot of threads on here that tell you how to approach bonding, and that will give you some ideas on how to slow things down and let him get to know you. Congratulations on your new addition!
The noises he is making are normal when a chin first gets to a new home. He is scared and not comfortable with his new home yet. I would for now just talk to him and try putting your hand by him to smell. He might nibble on it a little bit. This is normal too. He is tasting you that's all. If he starts grunting then take your hand out cause that means he is not ready for it. It takes a while for a chin to feel comfortable but it's worth the wait. :)
If he is losing fur when your trying to pick him up or holding him then it's because he is nervous and scared. I wouldn't worry about it then but if he is just losing fur (patches) where he is going bald then he might need a vet visit.
Congrats on your new chin. :)

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It's true. His whole world has been turned upside down. He is not used to his new environment, things are probably much different than from whence he came. He doesn't know the sounds, smells, normal routine, anything about this "NEW" home.

With a new chin, it's best to put them in a quieter place in your house rather than where all the action takes place, at least until they have a chance to adjust.

When I got my first chin and knew very little, I hung a towel (now I know that the only safe fabric for chins is fleece) on the backside of his cage, so that he would have a solid (not open) space against which to snuggle and feel safe.

He should have a hidey hut of some sort, whether a fleece tube, a small kiln dried pine house, something small and enclosed where he can feel safe and protected.

Remember that chins are prey animals, so their first instinct is to get away. You will not find a large amount of chins who like to be held and cuddled. Nature has given them an escape tactic which it seems you are experiencing. If they are scared or grabbed unexpectedly, they can have what is called a 'fur slip', which allows them to escape the jaws of their predator by losing the fur by which it was being held. Amazing, but if it happens too often, you will have a rough looking chinnie until it grows back in.

It's a good idea to just sit by his cage and talk to him, even read a book aloud, just to let him get used to hearing your voice.

Treats should be limited (no fresh fruits or veggies, no raisins/sugary things). I like to remind newbies that ANYTHING that you hand to him personally is a TREAT!!! Because it's from YOU!!! An apple twig or stick (many vendors on the forum sell various types of chin safe wood; check under chin supplies for sale). You may also give 1 or 2 PLAIN Cherrios or a bit of UNSWEETENED bite sized shredded wheat. I usually take one, break it in half and then break it into the 2 sides, which will give you 4 treats. It's the perfect size for their little paws and they LOVE that you gave them a little treat...gee, maybe she's not so bad after all!!! I adore watching them pick up their pellets one by one with their tiny hands and eat!!!

I know cereal is expensive, because I love bite size shredded wheat and eat it myself, so I have started buying the generic or store brand. It's the same thing and both the boys and I love it!!!

Good luck with your new baby. Take it slow and steady and you will be rewarded by earning your chin's trust and will be able to spend more and more time with him not wanting to hide from you.

After he doesn't hide when you come to see him, open the door of the cage and rest your hand inside to let him smell you and start to recognize your smell. It's funny, when I get home from work, the first things the boys want to do is sniff my hands. They obviously think that I've deen somewhere exotic; they REALLY sniff and check me out!!!

Cheers to you and your new baby!!!