Just curious...

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Well-known member
Mar 13, 2014
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
This probably sounds crazy but I was just wondering...Does your Chin always have cold feet? I've only had my new chin for a little over a week and notice that every time he climbs on my hands, his little feet are so cold.. I do keep the room at around 60-65°...and NEVER above 70°. I do have a slab of marble in there also and maybe that's the reason but idk...just wondering :)
Both of my chins normally have cold feet. Especially when they are running around outside their cage on the hard wood floors.
Yes and its actually good for them, their feet and their ears are their body's temp regulators, that is how they stay cool and where their body heat regulates from. I have heard people that have marble in their cages specifically to help keep them cool if they wish by standing or laying on it. I always just keep my apartment air conditioned so her feet are never really much cooler than her body