I'm just popping in to say that I'm completely amused my bf and his mom had absolutely no idea who Jon and Kate were and we live in the same area they do. So apparently, yes, there are still people who have no clue who they are!
Turns out they're stopping the show until August. Which is really sad I think, I think they should just stop completely. But I don't think they will.
Yeah.. they couldn't really keep up the lifestyle they live if they don't continue to keep the money coming in from the show. I mean, yeah those little houses are somewhere $2,500 a piece! And they live in a huge million dollar house. I can't imagine the taxes on that thing.
I really wonder if they're putting away anything for the kid's future. I mean, technically the money is theirs since they're the original focus of the show and college for 8 kids would be ridiculously expensive!
Oh, the one I looked at was $2,500 maybe that was the base model or something..