
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Handsome little man.
Thanks! He's finally starting to use it, and he looks so proud every time he does hahaha. He's like "hey mom, look at how cute I am in my awesome bed!" My favorite is when he hears me coming down the stairs so he sits in it and waits for me to see him there, and then runs to the cage door as soon as I get close enough lol. Thanks for making it for us =)

He's a little love bug :kiss:


Brothers watching Big Bang Theory on New Year's Eve!
You can see how much grayer his butt is getting, the dark spot on the left was his old chew spot. He's been chew free since coming home!


Us practicing our balancing act.


"I can see the whole world from up here!" And yes, he has pooped in my hair before...