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Oct 17, 2011
Vacaville, California

I just realized I hadn't officially introduced you guys to Jasper! He's our little 6 month white mosaic! He's VERY vocal, unlike Woodrow who has never made more than a few squeaks. Poor guy has a patch of hair missing on his butt from a scuff as a baby, it's growing in nicely and seemingly gray. He's quarantined in Woodrow's old cage in the dining room for now and he's come around slightly. We're hoping him and Woodrow get along and can share the chin mansion in the living room! He's eating, drinking, pooping and playing (all when we're not around...) so I can't ask for much more at this point!
I hope so! 2 more weeks and the journey begins, I'm a little scared lol. Jasper figured his new bed out, found tons of poo in there this morning!
The only kind I'd know how to make are the wood ones. Maybe with tiles in side and then you put shavings? Ticklechin has a nice set up, and I seen hers. I am seriously wanting to tile my own cages with our left over tile from a bathroom remodel, and make pans for my guys. Might safe a tree from not using so much shavings.
I thought about tiling my cage but went with fleece instead. I hated getting up and seeing shavings AND poop stuck in my carpet. So now there's just poop! But, I don't have a litter pan so I need to swap fleece out every few days. Wood with tile inside, that would make it nice and easy to clean!
Jasper's a cutie :)

I thought about tiling my cage but went with fleece instead. I hated getting up and seeing shavings AND poop stuck in my carpet. So now there's just poop! But, I don't have a litter pan so I need to swap fleece out every few days. Wood with tile inside, that would make it nice and easy to clean!

I think I have a cage similar to yours in those pics and I was thinking about tiling the bottom. It seems like it would be so much easier to clean that scrubbing at the wire.