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I like dinosaurs :3
Feb 18, 2010
Rochester, NY
Ivan was out while I was cleaning his and Rodya's cage. I put Rodya back then I went to get Ivan. I was trying to catch him, and I accidentally stepped on him. I knew he was going to die because I heard a crack. He twitched a few times then died after 10 seconds. He was running across the floor and my foot went down right as he tried to go under it. By the time I picked him up he was dead.
He was exactly 5 months old.


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This is not fair. I should not be posting another memorial so soon.
Ivan died today. He was exactly 5 months old. See the post in Chin Emergencies for details.
Ivan, you were my miracle baby. First, Sonya had you when no one believed she would. Then on New Year's you got sick, that weird paralysis. I carried you around with me everywhere and hand fed you pellets and gave you water to drink with a tiny syringe and gave you medicine and eventually you got better. Then you were the happiest little boy I'd ever seen. Jumping around your cage with Sonya, biting me when I tried to pick you up. I loved watching you wall jump in the bathroom. But even more I loved watching you grow. I am so sorry that I will no longer have that privelege. Your Daddy already misses you, I opened the cage to give him hay, and he stood there, waiting for me to plop you down on the shelf so you two could fight over the hay. I'm going to miss your oversized ears and your big feet, and that one little stripe of light grey on your tail. I'm going to miss poking your chubby belly everytime I passed the cage, because you followed me when I was near you. I'm going to miss trying to keep you in the cage when I had to change your water bottle. I'll even miss when I used to stuff you into my bra to keep you warm while I carried you back and forth to work in the winter, when you were sick.
I loved you like you were my own baby. I cannot explain how sad I am right now, I'm crying as I write this.
It's 'only' been an hour, but I miss you.
I love you.

Oh Brittany, I am so sorry. I can't imagine what you must be feeling right now. Please don't blame yourself. Accidents happen, and that's exactly what this was.

Brittany I'm so sorry. I do know how you feel, I caused an accident which ultimately ended Gordon's life. I accidentally crunched him in the recliner--so I know how awful you feel, but as Crysta said, as many have said to me, accidents can and do happen.
I'm so sorry. RIP little Ivan. Don't be upset with yourself it was an accident. :hug2:
RIP little Ivan. Hugs to you. You were the best mommy to him.
Thank you everyone. It's just been one of those weeks, you know? My grandfather died on Easter, and now tomorrow I have to go from his funeral, to my step dad's house, so I can bury Ivan (with Orson). Blah.
So sorry for all your loses. I too know how you feel about the acident with your chin. Many years ago I stepped on a chin that was one of my favorites (I mis-stepped off a chair onto him) I cryied the whole day. Again so sorry!!!
Oh my, I am soooo sorry for you loss. I can only think on how you are feeling about this. I know no words will make you feel betther, but it's an accident.

sooo sorry again. :(
Thank you again everyone. It does help to have consolation from this forum, because I know everyone here feels the same about their babies as I do.
Oh my god. I can't even imagine. It's admirable that you are functioning at a time like this, I can't say I would be.

Just know that this accident doesn't make you a bad person and in the future, maybe put your chins in a small playpen so you can pick them up easily? I don't mean to sound critical but I know you must be thinking about how to have this never happen again and for me at least, when I feel I've learned something from a situation I am more at ease.

Well, somewhere there's an older gentleman and a baby chinchilla playing around, shooting the breeze in a nice place (made of kiln-dried pine of course...).
Oh, God love ya, I am so sorry - please, please don't beat yourself up, like everyone has already said, it was an accident. I know that doesn't make it feel any better, but you don't need to me makin' yourself feel worse either. Try to remember that though you'll miss him, he's (god, I know this sounds so cliche) in a better place - and yes, I do believe that there's a special place in heaven for "four-legged children", and I also believe that one day, you'll get to see him again too!! Many hugs to you until you start to heal.:kiss::hug2::grouphug::hug3::hugs:
Thank you everyone.
Caiti, I know what you mean, I didn't take it the wrong way. But I think it was one of those freak things that would have happened even if he were in the pen I have for them. The bathroom is actually smaller than their play pen, and I can't catch them sitting down, so...
Gave Rodya a stuffed animal, a hamster actually. He didn't like it, he pushed it away with his paw. Kinda funny. I think he's enjoying the extra space. Lawd knows he needs it, the fattie.
I'm so sorry to hear what happened and how! I'm always nervous when I have to stand up during Crash's out time because I worry about getting his tail/paw with my foot (and I usually wear socks or go barefoot so I can tell if I catch him). I can't imagine how guilty and sick you must feel after what has turned into a fatal accident with your little guy.

All my best and I'm so very sorry.