Ivan aka Rasputin

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Good to see you on the board, Brittany!

(I'm that snarky girl on cuteoverload who's not actually snarky, heh.) :)

Still glad that the little fluff made it ok!
Also, Ivan is very very active and doesn't really like being held. Is there a really good way to get him to sit on my lap or my shoulder for long periods of time? When Mork came to me, he already loved riding around on my shoulder, and now whenever I take him out, that's the first place he goes. He gets a raisin if I can walk around without him attempting to take off, and that will keep him sitting tehre, sometimes chewing on my hair, for a while. He will even sit on my shoulder for a few minutes when I'm watching tv, before hopping onto the couch and taking off.
Any way to get Ivan to like something like that? When I hold him, he likes to nibble/bite the skin between my thumb and forefinger so that he can be put on the ground to run around where he wants. I'd love it if he would enjoy sitting on my lap, even if I couldn't pet him or anything. Obviously he's a prey animal and his instincts are to keep away from me, but...anyone with advice for helping him become a better 'pet'? I know with Rodya and Sonya, I have to just sit still and let them hop on me without touching them, after months of doing that, and offering raisins when they came to the cage door, they actually don't immediately scatter when I open the door. Sonya prefers for me to lay down on the floor before she will hop near me, or out of the cage, often times. Rodya doesn't care if I'm sitting or standing before he comes out. So that's really all the experience I have with getting a chin to be more friendly.

Just takes time. Just keep picking him up and being near him. Also, lose the raisins - way too much sugar in them. Switch to a pinch of old fashion oats, dried rosehips, or bite sized non frosted shredded wheats.