It's the little things.....

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Since my Richie has been sick I have been trying to do everything to make his days happy. after i handfeed him i usually let him have play time & he spends most of the time trying to get under the sink.
Well......this weekend I spent several hours cleaning under my sink. I removed all items that can be chewed and/or toxic. I made tons of space. I strategically placed containers and some shelves. The space is huge.....more horizontal than vertical. And he LOVES it. I actually sat in my bathroom & cried cause I was so happy that he was having fun.
He even did a small wall surf. while for most of you wall surfing is a normal event, Richie hasnt done it for months since being under veterinary care.
Just wanted to share with people who wound understand.......since my fiance' thinks i am nutz!
You're right, it is the little things. Every sign of enjoyment is a victory.

I'm glad to hear he had fun. :)
It is very happy to hear! It is the small things that matter and chins bring us so much joy the least we can do is return the favor. I enjoy getting packages for the chins way more than for myself, and I think I love treat time more than they do!
I know exactly how you feel Michelle. It's been a while since I had that feeling but I'll never forget it. I know your doing everything you can and more for Ritchie, it's almost as if he wall surfed just for you, and your not nutz, your just a great mommy to your chins :D!
Congrats! I'm glad he is feeling well enough to enjoy himself! but I know what you mean about other people not understanding. We have guest at the house this weekend. We just managed to get our two boys fully introduced and they are now sharing the same cage. So me and my husband have been practically glued to the cage and getting excited over the smallest things they do together and our guest are looking at us like we are crazy. lol. At least we have the forum when we need someone to understand! Again Congrats! It sounds like your little guy is on the road to recovery!:dance3:
Oh you are definately not nuts Michelle, my boyfriend just doesn't understand why I love animals so much, not just chins, but all of them... I'm like they are sooo cute, and they do such cute things they bring so much joy to your heart. Some people just don't understand how "we" animals lovers feel about our children.

Glad he is feeling better.

It is a special person who is crazy about all or mostly all animals, it's pretty universial to be dog crazy, but those of us who love and understand chins and other exotics well I'm not exactly sure what it is, but something is different about us and it sets us apart. And I'm glad I was born that way. I enjoy the kindred spirt we have here too!
I am so glad Ritchie feels happy.
You arent crazy! My oldest shep (2yrs old) has had spin sz and neck sz and soon to have a THR on his right side... and he was born with an immune deficiency disorder. When I first adopted him at 7 months old he was so sick for 2 months we thought he was going to die. When he pulled through and he ran in the back yard; I cried… it was amazing to see him actually enjoying being a puppy.

glad to hear your special guy is feeling better :dance3:

our animals bring so much joy to our hearts that those little things that might be trivial to others, mean a lot to us :D
If you're nuts, we all are! :)

I almost cried ..just reading about Richie doing a wall surf ;)

Every time I see my boy jump up and ask me for a "cookie" ..or take a chew toy and actually give it a whirl ....bounce around on my head, in the middle of the night ..for me to wake and have him sitting on my chest, staring into my sleepy face... and dash under our bed or do a "drive by" and land in his dust bucket from several feet away ....all the joys of having "special" Chin'kids. :heart:
thank you all. normally i wouldnt let him under my sink, but since i cleaned it out and put everything in containers there is really nothing under there that could hurt him plus he spend half of his playtime trying to get in there! i also sit there the whole time and watch him & play with him. i made little steps out of containers fo him to climb up. sometimes he does this same circuit and sometimes he just sits on one of the containers but honestly i have noticed that he "seems" happier and of course now gets a little more exercise which i am hoping helps move all that food i am handfeeding him!
i am yet to get my other chin out of his cage this week so he has not seen the new area. i dont know what his problem is.
Aww...what a nice thing you did for him! I would do the same thing....I am always trying to make all my fur kids happy! And I enjoy every minute of it and I know they do too! Good luck with Ritchie, he's a special lil boy!