Is this a good wheel?

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I have 12" version of that wheel. My frame is also different. My hedgehogs love them and will use them over their bucket wheels when offered. I also love them, the pee falls through the holes, and the poo gets squished through instead of smeared all over the wheel. When Poptart came here she needed bathed weekly. Now she gets bathed rarely as the urine and feces do not get in her fur anymore.
With the size of mesh that they use for these wheels, it hasn't been a problem. The metal mesh wheels have a much different size mesh and it has been a concern with them.

I will note that I do keep my hedgehog's nails well trimmed. I've had 2 wheels in use for over a year and half now with no problems at all. Before I got them, I spoke with Standing Bear at the Flash and Thelma Memorial Rescue about them. He uses these type of wheels for a lot of the rescues and he highly recommended them. I asked about nail catches and he indicated it had not been a problem for the many years he has had them in use.
That's cool. I am new to hedgies, but I raise chins, and mesh wheels are a BIG no-no.
I use the flying saucer wheel from Petsmart for my hedgie though and he really likes it.
I know of a few people whose hedgehogs have got nails caught on those wheels. Keeping nails trimmed is crucial.

I have that same mesh on the ramps in my cages that have lofts and I do see them getting caught on it on occasion. On a stationary ramp, a few seconds being caught is not a big deal.
I have a bigger size one of these from Vern. He made a big spool wheel especially for my big girl. While I like Reaper's CWS for normal use (it's easier for me to clean), the mesh wheel has been a godsend during my hedgie's recovery.

A few weeks back, my hedgie somehow injured her leg and has been limping. After being off the wheel entirely for a week per her vet's recommendation, she's back to limited wheel use. Since then, she's been having problems after running on the CWS (ends up limping the next day), but does great with the spool wheel (no limp). I think, perphaps, it has something to do with the softer & more easily grip-able (is that a word?) mesh running surface??
Personally I wouldn't use it. Between the mesh and the crossbars (I'd be afraid that the hedgie would try to jump off while the while was spinning and get hit/hurt by the cross bar), it just doesnt seem very safe.
There are crossbars on a few of my wheels. These are the big solid surface metal wheels. The girls that use them are fine with them. That being said, I would never give a wheel with crossbars to a hedgehog unless I'd seen his/her running style as crossbars are dangerous to those who jump off while running or who hang their head off to the side.

Some of the people who have had issues with the mesh have covered their wheels with craft foam to make it safer.
That being said, I would never give a wheel with crossbars to a hedgehog unless I'd seen his/her running style as crossbars are dangerous to those who jump off while running or who hang their head off to the side.

Good point! I had my little one for about a year before I got this type of wheel for her. So I had many opportunities to sneak up while she was wheeling to learn how she ran. And talked it over with her wheel-maker prior to design & purchase.