To play devils advocate so to speak..
If fleece can be destoryed, shouldn't that be held to the same standards of plastic? A chin destorys it's fleece, eats it, you can have a chin with a blockage/dead just the same as with plastic....
I personally think we all need to learn that : ANYTHING has the potentional to be dangerous. Some more then others. IF we notice the start of a problem, remove it before it DOES become a problem. Plastic, Fleece, etc. You just need to pay have a chin that is constantly chewing the plastic, don't use it! Got a chin who may take a nibble here and there, but tends to leave it alone? Go ahead and give it a shot..but watch it.. Got a chin who chews millions of holes in fleece? Don't use it! Have a chin who doesn't seem to touch the fleece? Use it, but watch them!
If fleece can be destoryed, shouldn't that be held to the same standards of plastic? A chin destorys it's fleece, eats it, you can have a chin with a blockage/dead just the same as with plastic....
I personally think we all need to learn that : ANYTHING has the potentional to be dangerous. Some more then others. IF we notice the start of a problem, remove it before it DOES become a problem. Plastic, Fleece, etc. You just need to pay have a chin that is constantly chewing the plastic, don't use it! Got a chin who may take a nibble here and there, but tends to leave it alone? Go ahead and give it a shot..but watch it.. Got a chin who chews millions of holes in fleece? Don't use it! Have a chin who doesn't seem to touch the fleece? Use it, but watch them!
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