Is my chinnie Sick?

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This is kind of a long story-- I know I'm going to get some "You're a bad chin owner!" Type rap... I know, I should have done things differently in the past!

I've had three chins for about five years. One belonged to my mother, and two (mommy and daughter) belonged to me. My mom stopped taking care of her chin, Fluffy, about a year ago, so I took over her care. Fluffy was always living alone, but in the same room as the other two, because Joo, one of mine, hated her. But she's a very social little girl.

After my Mom lost interest in fluffy, she began pulling out her fur. At this point, I convinced Mom to hand her over to me. I took her to the vet for a check-up, then moved her into my bedroom. She's been getting plenty of interaction from me and my rabbits, and she has stopped pulling out her fur, and now that it's "That time of the year" again, she's regrowing it.

Anyway, I LOVED Momma Chinnie, Joo. But she was an older adult, of an unknown age when I got her. Unexpectedly, about two months ago, she passed away-- no apparent reason. She was apparently healthy, I didn't notice any diarrhea, eating fine, drinking fine (as far as I knew-- but there were two of them in the cage). At this time, My dog Archie was very ill-- so I'll admit I did NOT spend lot of time in that room during that 4-5 days, so I probably missed lethargy or something, I imagine. Mind you this room is a Chin-safe room, which housed only those two chinchillas at the time. I thought maybe she died of old age.

When I found her, her daughter (Kyo) was huddled in the corner, acting... Depressed, scared. At that time, I took her and introduced her with Fluffy, and they lived together. Fluffy was ecstatic to finally have a friend again. Both were absolutely fine.

About three weeks later, I came home late one night, and noticed Kyo was acting strange. I let her out of the cage, and she bounced out, ran around for about 3 minutes, and went back into the cage- like she was tired. Picked her up, and just thought she didn't feel right. She did eat a raisin for me, though.

Later that night, I went back, and she was just sitting there- She had diarrhea, and looked very weak. I watched her for about another half hour, and decided it couldn't wait until morning-- I wanted to take her to an E-vet. I called the closest one, they didn't handle Chins. I called the next closest one they recommended, their small animal vet wasn't in that night. The next one was almost four hours away, and by that time, my own vet would just about be open, so I decided to wait it out.

By Morning she was too weak to even move. I had tried to give her water, but it just wasn't happening. I called the vet, and they told me to come in in about an hour, but she was just about gone by then-- and she passed very shortly after that.

This chin was only about 5 years old. I don't know what happened, but by this point, I was very afraid of something contagious-- very worried about Fluffy. Fluffy has been acting fine, but has seemed somewhat depressed sometimes lately. As soon as I let her out, or feed her, or interact with her at all, she's normal. The vet usually tells me they can't really test for anything, it's basically symptomatic. Is there anything I should have her tested for, or anything I should do? Or does she just sound like she needs a friend? I'm really paranoid after losing my two Babies...
First, I'm sorry for the loss of your first two chins. Sadly, with Joo, sometimes they just die and you never know the reason. Even with necropsy you don't always know. It could have been any number of things from age to bloat.

Second, with Kyo, the diarrhea was a definite "something" but without stool samples and a necropsy being done, there's no way to guess at whether it was contagious or a fluke thing. She could have been depressed at losing her mom, and some opportunistic bug took advantage of it. Or it could have been something totally different. Don't second guess yourself to death. What's done is done. I'm not all that confident in E-vets, so I'm not sure I would have done anything differently, except try to treat the diarrhea myself until the vet opened. For future reference, if your chin has diarrhea, a raisin is not the way to go. A bite sized, nonsugared shredded wheat, some activated charcoal, or some Kaolin pectin to try and halt the diarrhea, then syringe feeding Critical Care (with chins, I always recommend having at least a small bag in the freezer) until the vet opened in the morning.

Now, with Fluffy, you definitely need to be propactive. Get a stool sample run and some blood work to be sure that everything is okay. You've already notice she's "depressed" which is what happened with your second chin, so you need to get a jump on it. Get some Lifeline here and get her started on it. It isn't a cure all, but I've had wonderful success with it in sick chins. Literally, it's performed a miracle with a chin that should have died. Get some critical care and have it on hand. Monitor her weight closely, her stools, her urine. Make sure everything is as normal.

How warm is it in the room where she is? What kind of food you feed? What kind of water do you use? If it's tap, try using filtered or reverse osmosis. Do you provide lots of good quality hay? No more raisins with this one. If you want to give her a treat, give her a bite sized nonsugared shredded wheat, a dried rosehip, or wood chews. You don't want to give her anything "extra" that might encourage her to develop stomach upset and diarrhea.

ETA: No interaction between buns and chins. Pasturella is a real concern here and you should have her tested for that as Diva Chins mentions below.
My bet would be to get a necropsy done on both bodies, that's the only way, in my opinion, to figure out if it was old age, something contagious, etc.
Also, in my opinion, if her cage mate had died of unknown reasons, no, you shouldn't have intro'd them immediately in case it was something contagious. I think you should have at least waited a month.
Also, be careful with chins and rabbits. Rabbits can transfer pasturella (I think that's the name of it) to chins.
Thanks guys. I know raisins with diarrhea are no good, but I gave it to Kyo before the diarrhea was apparent.

Also, as far as the bunnies go, They never interact face to face-- They don't like fluffy, but their cages are about a foot away from each other. Is that too close? Could they transfer something from just being in the same room?

Is critical care sold only through vets? I've always meant to have a bag on hand. I imagine I'll take fluff to the vet, but Is there something they can physically test for? Bloodwork will be somewhat conclusive?

They've always ate Mazuri pellets, with Oxbow Timothy hay. Normally their treats are raisins, rosehips, rarely a dried apple or something like that. Kyo didn't get any strange treats, not even a raisin, for days leading up to her death. And yes, their water is just tap... Sometimes I use bottled water, too.

And Thanks for the help, guys, I thought I was a good chin owner until about a Month and half ago!
I would get rid of the raisins and dried fruit. That could be part of the problem as well as the tap water. I am sorry about your chins who passed :(

IMO that is too close to have a rabbit and a chinchilla, as you can transfer things from one to the other.
You can purchase critical care from Menagerie on here. She runs a rescue and all proceeds go towards that.
I guess what I'll do then is call her vet, see what she thinks-- and then decide whether to take her in from there. She hasn't had a treat for a while, anyway, because I ran out of raisins, but I'll lay off the treats now.

I think I'll lay some newspaper under the grates in her cage to catch any diarrhea she might be having right away.

I'm hoping to get a Ferret nation cage for her, and should everything go well, I think I'll find her a chinnie friend. I think she needs it.
First let's focus on getting her better before we think about a friend =]

How is she doing today?
She's doing fine; the same as she's been for the past couple of weeks.

It's like she's doing a lot of sleeping, but when I call her name, feed her, or interact with her at all, she's perfectly normal. Bright, alert, bouncing off of walls, etc.

It's been very warm here lately-- especially the past couple of days-- so I thought maybe it was the heat, But I don't know if my room has changed temperature. I suppose the littlest change might bother her, though.

Don't worry, I'm not planning to add another chin to our family quite yet! I'm more concerned about her. And then probably getting all of her hair grown back, getting her looking good!
Something you might want to consider is getting a thermometer to go in the room she's in. I have a digital one and it's awesome to know what temperature it is because I used to get worried over that a lot. You can usually buy the regular ones at a tractor supply for about $5.00 I think.
Got one! I just never pay attention to it. It says 23C right now, so I'll keep track of things here.
Got one! I just never pay attention to it. It says 23C right now, so I'll keep track of things here.
That's far too hot - it needs to be 20 degrees or less and you need to keep an eye on the humidity too. Humidity + heat = overheated chins = death.

You need to get the air con on and get the temperature of your room down.

Is she lethargic at the moment?
I agree with Claire, that's pretty warm if you are giving him out of cage time. If it's humid where you are at at all, that's going to make the temperature that much worse.

Think about yourself at that temperature, running around in an enclosed room with a fur coat on. If you wouldn't be comfortable, you can be sure he isn't either.
IMO that is too close to have a rabbit and a chinchilla, as you can transfer things from one to the other.

Just make sure to wash your hands before you interact with either the rabbit or the chin if you have handled the other animal. Our rabbit has lived in the chin room for years without any problems. Brownie gets free roam on the same carpet area that the chins do as well.