Is my beige chinchilla beige?

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Very interesting coloring. She probably will show her true color as she ages but my guess is she is a beige. Since she is so young, it might take some time for her coat to mature. If she is a beige, she will probably get freckles too.
She can only be a beige if the father is a grey and the mother was a beige (since you said her eyes are a dark red color). Your newer pics show she is a beige. She is poorly veiled which is why her neck is lighter colored. Veiling can improve and get darker until she is a yr and a half old.
heres a pic of her and her parents. She is the little one in the back, moms on top, dads on bottom


I guess she is a beige then :) She just looked a bit odd to me so I thought I would ask.
I find beige chins never photo well which is why I knew she was a beige based on your first pics. I have many badly lit pics of beige chins. Lol. Takes me ages to get pics of the rescues up when they are beige!
heres a pic of her and her parents. She is the little one in the back, moms on top, dads on bottom


I guess she is a beige then :) She just looked a bit odd to me so I thought I would ask.

I find beige chins never photo well which is why I knew she was a beige based on your first pics. I have many badly lit pics of beige chins. Lol. Takes me ages to get pics of the rescues up when they are beige!

I wouldn't have thought a straight beige.

My two parent chins are the exact same colors.
(old pics except for last one)


^ Father Chico and Mommy Sophie

They had three kids. First litter of one boy. second litter of two girls.


^ Son on top


^ Daughter on top (i think)


^ Daughter

The son and daughter look exactly like there dad. The son even developed freckles on his ears after a few years. (Daughter was born with them)

I guess that white/silverish on his neck throws me. And his overall coat seems so much lighter then beige.
They're all so cute!!! I wonder if mine will get the freckles...

How long have you had chins for??

Chico i took in around 2007 or so. He was of unknown age. But he was a full grown adult. He had been passed form owner to owner so many times that noone new about his past. He already had freckles when i got him.

His son houdini was born most likly oct 19 2010. He was born with clean ears. No freckles at all. Only in the lsat year or so did he start do develop little ones. (Freckles vs no freckles was the easiest way to tell the two of them apart lol)

His daughter, Ameena, was born feb 7 2011. She was born with a lot of freckles.
Looks like a white/ebony to me. As she gets older one or the other colours will take hold. From the photos, more white than ebony in the future.