Hello. Recently, about 2 months ago, I got my own Chinchilla. We got her from a pet store, so I'm not entirely sure on her exact age, but I just had a few questions about the things she does that I just can't find an answer to..
First-petting. She seems to be ok with it, from what I think, but is there a way I can tell she's actually happy with it? Tonight she wouldn't really come out of her house, which was odd, but I think that might have been someone coming into the room earlier she didn't know. The whole time I just sat and talked to her, a good hour or so, just petting her when she wasn't running on her wheel (as she sat in it the whole time I pet her) She would occasionally sit in my hand which was nice, and I was petting around her ear, and she let me rub her ear to (VERY lightly) and while I did it, she kind of closed her eyes, like she was gonna go to sleep. Was she happy with that? Or was she getting really annoyed with me? ><
Second-Sleeping. She sleeps in her wheel. I don't know why, as she also has a nice wood house that she likes to sleep in sometimes also. Is this just a convenience thing for her? Or is it something to do with the wheel? She also seems to just sit in it, a lot (and runs..a lot
Third-bedding. I use care fresh bedding, and I took the wire floor out of her cage, as I heard it could cause her feet to hurt. I think she really likes it, but sometimes, she's eat/chew on the bedding. Is there any real reason she's doing this? Or is she just checking it out so to speak?
Sorry if this is some really weird sort of question, but I just worry, as I want her to have the best home I can provide. I thank any, and everyone for their time
First-petting. She seems to be ok with it, from what I think, but is there a way I can tell she's actually happy with it? Tonight she wouldn't really come out of her house, which was odd, but I think that might have been someone coming into the room earlier she didn't know. The whole time I just sat and talked to her, a good hour or so, just petting her when she wasn't running on her wheel (as she sat in it the whole time I pet her) She would occasionally sit in my hand which was nice, and I was petting around her ear, and she let me rub her ear to (VERY lightly) and while I did it, she kind of closed her eyes, like she was gonna go to sleep. Was she happy with that? Or was she getting really annoyed with me? ><
Second-Sleeping. She sleeps in her wheel. I don't know why, as she also has a nice wood house that she likes to sleep in sometimes also. Is this just a convenience thing for her? Or is it something to do with the wheel? She also seems to just sit in it, a lot (and runs..a lot
Third-bedding. I use care fresh bedding, and I took the wire floor out of her cage, as I heard it could cause her feet to hurt. I think she really likes it, but sometimes, she's eat/chew on the bedding. Is there any real reason she's doing this? Or is she just checking it out so to speak?
Sorry if this is some really weird sort of question, but I just worry, as I want her to have the best home I can provide. I thank any, and everyone for their time