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Feb 10, 2014
So my female had 3 kits and I was wondering that since I've had the babies separated from their father, if when I introduce the males that the father will automatically accept it as a cagemate?

He may accept them, but he may reject them. I know there's even mothers who will reject their kits as cagemates. I think it just depends on the chins and their personalities. I would re-introduce them like you would two stranger chins.
Let the little boys get to know their papa before they are weaned. This will help tremendously in introducing them into the same cage later on. Most chins are very kind to babies...but make sure to supervise to make sure that the daddy is getting along with his little ones. The papa will definitely be nicer to the boys if he is allowed to see them often before they are weaned.

How old are the babies now?
I agree with Susan. Short supervised visits should be fine to get him accustomed, or have him in a different cage nearby.