Hi, I have a question about introducing a young 5-7 month old male chin to a young adult (don't like to be called old, note the thread title lol) 2yr old female. I recently found this chin kit sat outside in a cage (aquarium at that :hair by the dumpster in my apt complex (heartbreaking :cry3: ). I have taken him to the vet and everything is fine, no sickness, nourished, etc (thank heavens!). I am considering keeping him as an addition to my female chin who had a cage mate that just passed a little while ago (couple of weeks). I know the breeding risk and have experience a breeding pair of chins before (dang pet store "professional sexing") I am well researched in how to care for kits, birth emergencies, etc. I just want to know if it will be ok to introduce these two (slowly) to eventually be in the same cage. I have not experience such an age difference with two chins. Thanks