Introducing young and younger Chins

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New member
Oct 4, 2010
Hi, I have a question about introducing a young 5-7 month old male chin to a young adult (don't like to be called old, note the thread title lol) 2yr old female. I recently found this chin kit sat outside in a cage (aquarium at that :hair:) by the dumpster in my apt complex (heartbreaking :cry3: ). I have taken him to the vet and everything is fine, no sickness, nourished, etc (thank heavens!). I am considering keeping him as an addition to my female chin who had a cage mate that just passed a little while ago (couple of weeks). I know the breeding risk and have experience a breeding pair of chins before (dang pet store "professional sexing") I am well researched in how to care for kits, birth emergencies, etc. I just want to know if it will be ok to introduce these two (slowly) to eventually be in the same cage. I have not experience such an age difference with two chins. Thanks
Please do not put these two together. You know absolutely nothing about the chin you are putting with your female, where he comes from, what sort of genetic mess he might be. It also sounds like your female came from a pet store. This is just not a good situation at all. Breeding animals need to come from breeders who can give you a lineage. They should not come from being abandoned or pet stores.

If you want to put the male and female together, check with a vet about getting him castrated. I can tell you how to introduce two chins, but I'm just not going to do it for this situation. Sorry.
I agree with Peggy and said as much on another forum to you, The age isn't an issue but allowing those two to breed is an issue.
I agree with Peggy. If you want to put these chins together as cagemates, they first need to be seperated for a month, 2 cages, 2 rooms. And secondly, before any intro, for any amount of time, the male should be fixed. You really shouldn't mate any chins unless you know their history and that their pairing for that reason will complement eachother and produce superior kits.

Ok, thank you guys for the replies. He is too young to be fixed now correct? So I will just keep them separate until then. And also for clarification, you guys are saying that a young male whose background is known would be ok with a 2yr old female both socially and breed-wise (if their genetics were favorable)? What about the other way around? (This is not something I am or plan on doing, just am curious about it now). Thanks