Introducing my new baby! (color??)

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What about Tommy? As in Tommy James and the Shondels? Don't even get me started on Beatles options...

I've heard the term pearl before. With young chins sometimes the belly is not white, white at first, and also since he is a lighter beige the belly will not look as white as if he's darker. A good clear pic of the belly is the only way to really tell.
Keep the names comin Riven:)

I'll try to get some better pics of him. The pet store said he was a standard. I said, no no he isn't. They also didn't have hay in the cage(ever)...don't get me started.
Beatles names include Max, Jude, Mr. Kite, Daniel... if he's wild you can name him Helter Skelter... Sgt. Pepper, of course you have John, Paul, Ringo, and George... Jo Jo and Desmond, Julian is John's oldest son, he also sings. ( So does his younger, but I'm not a big fan so far, lol )

You have the Doors, and Jim Morrison, Steppenwolf, and I love the Monkee's...

You have Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. I have a Kashmir ( Zeppelin song ).

What's one of your favorite bands? I assure you that you can find a song with a great name!
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I like where you are going with this Riven!

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young is my favorite. I have a Nash, and a Graham.
My other is Simon.(simon and garfunkel)

Dave Matthews is also a fav...but Dave? That's boring. I also like Alanis Morrisette, Jewel,&Sarah McLachlan. I should look at their Lyrics...but I wanna stick w the same Era I think...
I just read you lived in Evansville...was this baby at Harp's? If so, I've seen him. He's a beige. I also know the breeder that sells to them...not the greatest lady.

I'm glad you got him. Harp's keeps their chins in horrible conditions. Last time they had a male and female together in that tiny cage.
I think I am going to go with isn't for sure yet tho. I'm going to sleep on it.

Stackie, yes Harp's. I watched that beige and ebony grow up in that cage...starting as babies. The brother and sister. The beige sold way before the eb. I was going to buy the eb just to give it a home and when I went to get him he was gone and the 3 babies were in there...I couldn't watch them grow up like that. I got the smallest one, if u remember him. He was looking like 'I hate my life'...I had to save him. I'm tryying to talk my friend who wants chinchillas into getting the other 2 babies. I'm going to PM you about the breeder....I know one of them. Want to see if it's the same lady.
Yep, the ebony and the beige pair..I remember them. I can only hope that he didn't get his sister pregnant. It was also about 80 degrees in there...I tried saying something but most of the people working there are just careless teenagers anyway. :rolleyes:

I do remember the small boy. He seemed very skinny but I didn't get to hold him. He looks more plump in your pictures.
Aw, what sad conditions this baby was in. Glad you got him and I hope your friend does get the other two.
I hope so too...but they are 180 each (before tax). I just had to save the little one. He seemed so helpless.

I talked them into putting hay in, and a chinchiller...which won't be awesome in that heat but better than nothing.

My guy plumped up pretty quickly. He's on good food (not rabbit that they give them there) and plenty of hay. Should he be on tim. Hay? Or alf?because of his age... He has both right now. I think he needed to be an only chin (cage wise) for ahwile to gain some weight. He was very boney. My sister was almost crying holding him because you could feel all of his bones.
I would give him timothy. Most people here don't offer alfalfa as a regular staple in a chin's diet. Some use it for nursing mothers, others as a treat.

Good quality feed, timothy hay, fresh water. He'll gain weight soon enough.
Oh about the siblings before...I told the pet store they needed to be apart because she would get preg...they don't care about anything but making money.
DMB fan here: My chin's full name is "Crash Into Me No-Touchy {Last name}" but I just call him Crash (among other things). Suggestions: "Billy", "Captain", "Jimi" (after "Jimi Thing" & Jimi Hendrix), "Monkey", and "Lucky".

Can't think of any from the ladies listed off the top of my head except "Ice Cream" from Sarah McLaughlin, but tbh I think my favorite is Jimi since it ties in with your existent theme.

He's adorable whatever color he is, and I'm glad you got him out of a crap situation. He's a lucky little puffball!

Dave Matthews is also a fav...but Dave? That's boring. I also like Alanis Morrisette, Jewel, & Sarah McLachlan. I should look at their Lyrics...but I wanna stick w/ the same Era I think...
I wish I could get his brothers. 180 from a petstore is a bit extreme tho isn't it? They have hedgehogs for 240 I think...what's the usual price?
Yes, it is extreme. You could get a high quality healthy chin from a breeder for that price, and in most cases, even cheaper. Those chins (no offense) are not great quality and are small and skinny. By buying them, you would only be benefiting the store and they would only get more to replace them.
I know it....I always said 'i'll never buy an animal from Harps'....but I just could not watch the little guy grow up like that. Most likely someone would buy him from some point....and think that cage was fine and they'd get a cage like that too...ugh it makes me so mad. I'm sure my guy isn't awesome quality, but I won't be breeding mine...just giving them a great home for their life.

Btw...that breeder we were talking about Stackie, wants to breed one of her chins w my petstore black velvet. I said 'i don't know anything about his history' she said she didn't care just wanted a black velvet...isn't that terrible?!?! (I won't let her....don't worry).
Dave Matthews is also a fav...but Dave?

What about Stefan, LeRoi, Boyd, Carter?
Butch, Tim/Timmy, Jeff, and Rashawn are touring artists with DMB as well.

I'm doing a Dave Matthews name-theme with my chins so I could go all day with song titles, band members (and their kids and nicknames) lol