introducing and male to stud.

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Shes gorgeous! Another girl for a buddy could be a good idea. Getting a buddy also means quarantine and slow introductions. I've heard its a little easier for girls to buddy up so the odds are in your favor. :)
I would say adopt a female friend for her (make sure she is really a she and is sexed properly) and go from there. You could go to the NY show if you are really interested in breeding...It's probably not too far from there and is soon...
She looks very healthy! She's a beautiful adorable chin but going by what you know of her background I wouldn't opt to breed her. They all make wonderful pets but sometimes that is all they are meant to be.;) A female friend(properly sexed!!) would be a very good idea. That way you don't have to worry about any of the complications of pregnancy or a possible early death and you can enjoy her and a companion for many years to come.

I just recently lost a female because she had a heart condition that was exacerbated by a beating she took from her mate. The fight happened out of nowhere...they had been together for two days being perfectly cuddly and when I went out on the third day she was a bloody mess. Now..two months later and I no longer have my baby at all. Breeding is a very tough choice to make and the losses are horrible to live with. Sometimes I wish I could go back to just being a pet owner, but breeding is my passion and most days the good far outweighs the bad. :)
Yes definitely a nice little girlie for her! And who knows you if you have a large enough cage you may get 3 girls to live together in peace and harmony! Chins are VERY addicting. I don't know how some people can have only one! I started with one chin and now have 8 soon to be 9!