Informative trip to Petco

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
My boyfriend and I went to dinner last night and then walked over to Petco to get some stuff for his rats. We looked around and saw a chinchilla. He was on his side and just looked miserable. We asked the manager if we could see him and he gladly said yes. He took him out and handed him to me. He has chewed his hair from head to toe and the manager assured me he had been checked out by a vet and nothing is wrong. I told him he was most likely just very stressed out and the manager agreed. I told him I was concerned about the tag on the cage saying that chinchillas need vegetables in their diet. I told him they cause bloat and should probably be marked off of the tag. He told me it is a corporate tag, all of them say that, and he immediately took a pen and marked off vegetables. I was so happy. After we were done talking, I looked down and the little guy was snuggled to my neck just snoozing. I feel in love with him and kinda threw it out there "Sorry little guy, if I had 160 dollars I would take you home in a heartbeat." The manager told me, "well, since he's been here a very long time, I will let him go for something around 120 but if you check back in a few weeks and he's still not gone, I will adopt him out". I gave him my number and I told him if he is not gone in 2 weeks that he needs to call me immediately and I will come take him off his hands. We agreed on a free adoption price in 2 weeks. He even said his store will not be ordering anymore chinchillas. I was so thrilled.

Looks like I will be getting my 4th chin soon though. Now it's time to save up for another cage and make some room. Oh boy.
That is a nice story. Hopefully the chin will still be there for you can adopt it. I hope that the store doesn't get any more chins too.
I hope you can take him home. It sounds like he fell in love with you too.
Awww! I do do hope that no one will buy him (because most likely people who buy him won't be as knowledgeable as you are) and you will eventually be able to adopt him.
Poor thing.
But that's one nice Petco manager! Good to hear that some chain store employees still care about the animals.
The petco I used to work at hasn't sold chinchillas since I worked there. I taught them so much, and since they never sold well, they just stopped ordering them. Woot!
I highly doubt anyone will pay $160 for a chewed up chinchilla, so congrats on the new arrival. :) Glad to know they won't be carrying anymore.

Just know that now that he has started to chew, he may not stop. My chewed up guy is my attention hog though and I love him dearly. He was my first chinchilla, and though he looks like a little lion, he's beautiful.
I highly doubt anyone will pay $160 for a chewed up chinchilla, so congrats on the new arrival. :) Glad to know they won't be carrying anymore.

Just know that now that he has started to chew, he may not stop. My chewed up guy is my attention hog though and I love him dearly. He was my first chinchilla, and though he looks like a little lion, he's beautiful.

I already have a chewer, so I know what I'm getting into :) I really hope no one gets him.
Awww, I hope you get the little guy. $160 is outrageous so I doubt anyone will cough up that kind of money, especially if his fur looks scruffy. Instead of waiting the full two weeks to see if he's still there, I'd check in every few days or so with the manager let him know that you were still interested. That's just me though and I can be a pest when I want something, lol.
160 dollars IS amazing to pay for a poor quality chinchilla. At the petsmart in our area, chinchillas are 150 dollars. Glad you talked some sense into that Petco. Hopefully you get him, he'll be thrilled!
That's really great! I see poor chins at Petco all the time and they always look so lonely and abused! Most have nothing to chew, so they eat their plastic wheels! So sad! I'm glad that you helped that poor chin and probably dozens of future chins that would wind up uncared for!:thumbsup:

We are running close on time, store closes at 9, but my boyfriend finally got off work and we are about to head out to see if we can pick up the little guy. He was there yesterday but the manager we talked to wasn't. Let's hope the same manager is there or at least some proof we had this discussion. Even though it has not been 2 weeks yet. :p I'm just not patient enough.
We got him

We went to Petco at 8:30 and they close at 9. We told the lady at the front desk that we had talked to someone there prior and we had arranged to adopt him out. We had discussed free but obviously he did not write this agreement down and was not there today. They said they could adopt him out, but it would be for $99. I don't have that kind of money so I said thanks but no thanks. We were halfway home and my boyfriend says "should we go back and get him? Do you want him to be your birthday present?" We called the store and they said they would leave the door open for us. We went back to the store and picked him up. They were so afraid to grab him because "he bites and she is allergic" so I just reached in and easily scooped him up.

We are home now. I did a quick exam on him. He is severely emaciated and is of course chewed horribly. His teeth are in good shape even though he had nothing to chew on, but his teeth are white as snow. He has a vet appointment tomorrow and we will definitely get some CC in him to put on weight.

Soo introducing Dylan! (I have an A chin, a B chin and a C chin, it's time for a D chin :) )

I will get some better pics when my parents bring back my camera.




He's got the cutest little face. He's such a sweet heart. :)
Bless your heart for adopting him!
I can't wait for him to make a full recovery! He does have a sweet face!
congrats..........cant wait to see the "after" pics! i like the name too!
honestly, i would go back and speak to the manager you initially spoke to, he may not give you the money back but maybe he will give you a gift card to the store to buy supplies even if it is just bedding or whatever. you can even bring him the bill from your vet to show him you are a responsible pet owner. just a thoguht.
Wow! That poor little chin. He was probably chewing from sheer boredom... :( I'd bite if I were him...he probably wasn't treated very nicely. He's with you, so he's going to be absolutely shocked by the life he is going to have. (It's like in the Wizard of Oz when everything is suddenly colorful...this is going to be a happy chinnie!)
Wow! That poor little chin. He was probably chewing from sheer boredom... :( I'd bite if I were him...he probably wasn't treated very nicely. He's with you, so he's going to be absolutely shocked by the life he is going to have. (It's like in the Wizard of Oz when everything is suddenly colorful...this is going to be a happy chinnie!)

Yes I know. I hope you still have that cage. I'll be needing it or any other random one you may have. I have the money for it.

He's a very sweet guy already.
I have it...I was saving it for you. :)

Give him lots of hay and maybe some boxes to play in. 95% of the time that works in getting them to stop with the chewing.

I wonder if he could get along with Charlie or Bryson eventually. He looks young-ish, so maybe it could work.
They said he is anywhere from 10 months to a year old. They have had him since he was 4 months old. He is lounging in a hammock as we speak. But he is a little freaked out currently. He keeps grunting when I even move the slightest bit, but shreddies are winning him over. I gave him some acidophilus and I'm starting him out on Mazuri. He's going cold turkey so let's hope his stomach doesn't get all screwy.

I was going to try him with Charlie Pants after quarantine and see if they get along in a new cage, if not I'm going to split it up like my other and make townhomes. Seems to be working well so far.