In Over My Head

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Jan 18, 2022
My daughter moved back home with her Chinchilla that she got from a Pet Store over the Summer. It was supposed to go back to the boyfriends house after Christmas Break.

However, once here, I started doing research only to see it was not being cared for properly by these (2) Teenagers. They did not do proper research, it was an impulse buy. So needless to say I put my foot down about it moving back to the BF's, he has a dog that can readily get to the cage, a carpeted room, AC that was not turned on during very hot months over the Summer etc...etc... They meant no harm they're just your typical idiot kids who have the internet at their disposal but did not do enough research before or after acquiring this fur ball.

We have it set up in the basement where the dog never goes in a cage which I have updated with proper toys, chews, wheel, fleece and may be getting a Ferret Nation 182 soon. I make sure it's out for (2) hours a day to get interaction and exercise. The daughter/husband/BF help here and there but really this has been on me.

The problem? I have spinal arthritis and fibromyalgia. My pain has shot up A LOT and I'd love to say my daughter is stepping up to the plate but in reality I'm doing a lot of the work and certain days it's causing my pain level to go thru the roof (cleaning, sitting in a cold/damp basement etc...) I'm having difficulty controlling the pain on a day-to-day because it has flared up my health

I'm not sure I can physically handle this little booger whom I've come to Love and am terrified to adopt it out because what if whoever gets it doesn't take proper care of it, just the thought of it is giving me a lot of anxiety. She's grown comfortable with us, trusts us, and I love this little ding-dang poop machine and only want the best for her. I have no problem taking on the responsibility but it's compromising my health.

What to do...I'm so torn and having so much anxiety about this.
If she has a proper wheel (solid metal, at least 15-16"), and especially if you get a big cage, then she really doesn't need 2 hours or out of cage time a day. They aren't like dogs that need daily walks or anything like that. A couple hours a day of interaction is required though, so if you can just sit by the cage and maybe cut the play times down to just like 30 minutes a couple times a week that might help. She will be ok without daily play time, like a little kid she might throw a tantrum but she will live.

If you get to the point that you really need to re-home her though, try to come up with a questionnaire and requirements to ask potential new owners. I know people can lie but at least if you have some questions for them to answer about proper care, and make sure they understand what they are getting into might ease your mind a bit if it comes to that. Here is the application for the Canadian chinchilla rescue website to give you an idea of things to ask Canadian Chinchilla Rescue
My daughter moved back home with her Chinchilla that she got from a Pet Store over the Summer. It was supposed to go back to the boyfriends house after Christmas Break.

However, once here, I started doing research only to see it was not being cared for properly by these (2) Teenagers. They did not do proper research, it was an impulse buy. So needless to say I put my foot down about it moving back to the BF's, he has a dog that can readily get to the cage, a carpeted room, AC that was not turned on during very hot months over the Summer etc...etc... They meant no harm they're just your typical idiot kids who have the internet at their disposal but did not do enough research before or after acquiring this fur ball.

We have it set up in the basement where the dog never goes in a cage which I have updated with proper toys, chews, wheel, fleece and may be getting a Ferret Nation 182 soon. I make sure it's out for (2) hours a day to get interaction and exercise. The daughter/husband/BF help here and there but really this has been on me.

The problem? I have spinal arthritis and fibromyalgia. My pain has shot up A LOT and I'd love to say my daughter is stepping up to the plate but in reality I'm doing a lot of the work and certain days it's causing my pain level to go thru the roof (cleaning, sitting in a cold/damp basement etc...) I'm having difficulty controlling the pain on a day-to-day because it has flared up my health

I'm not sure I can physically handle this little booger whom I've come to Love and am terrified to adopt it out because what if whoever gets it doesn't take proper care of it, just the thought of it is giving me a lot of anxiety. She's grown comfortable with us, trusts us, and I love this little ding-dang poop machine and only want the best for her. I have no problem taking on the responsibility but it's compromising my health.

What to do...I'm so torn and having so much anxiety about this.
If she has a proper wheel (solid metal, at least 15-16"), and especially if you get a big cage, then she really doesn't need 2 hours or out of cage time a day. They aren't like dogs that need daily walks or anything like that. A couple hours a day of interaction is required though, so if you can just sit by the cage and maybe cut the play times down to just like 30 minutes a couple times a week that might help. She will be ok without daily play time, like a little kid she might throw a tantrum but she will live.

If you get to the point that you really need to re-home her though, try to come up with a questionnaire and requirements to ask potential new owners. I know people can lie but at least if you have some questions for them to answer about proper care, and make sure they understand what they are getting into might ease your mind a bit if it comes to that. Here is the application for the Canadian chinchilla rescue website to give you an idea of things to ask Canadian Chinchilla Rescue
My daughter moved back home with her Chinchilla that she got from a Pet Store over the Summer. It was supposed to go back to the boyfriends house after Christmas Break.

However, once here, I started doing research only to see it was not being cared for properly by these (2) Teenagers. They did not do proper research, it was an impulse buy. So needless to say I put my foot down about it moving back to the BF's, he has a dog that can readily get to the cage, a carpeted room, AC that was not turned on during very hot months over the Summer etc...etc... They meant no harm they're just your typical idiot kids who have the internet at their disposal but did not do enough research before or after acquiring this fur ball.

We have it set up in the basement where the dog never goes in a cage which I have updated with proper toys, chews, wheel, fleece and may be getting a Ferret Nation 182 soon. I make sure it's out for (2) hours a day to get interaction and exercise. The daughter/husband/BF help here and there but really this has been on me.

The problem? I have spinal arthritis and fibromyalgia. My pain has shot up A LOT and I'd love to say my daughter is stepping up to the plate but in reality I'm doing a lot of the work and certain days it's causing my pain level to go thru the roof (cleaning, sitting in a cold/damp basement etc...) I'm having difficulty controlling the pain on a day-to-day because it has flared up my health

I'm not sure I can physically handle this little booger whom I've come to Love and am terrified to adopt it out because what if whoever gets it doesn't take proper care of it, just the thought of it is giving me a lot of anxiety. She's grown comfortable with us, trusts us, and I love this little ding-dang poop machine and only want the best for her. I have no problem taking on the responsibility but it's compromising my health.

What to do...I'm so torn and having so much anxiety about this.
The best temperature for your little fluff ball is between 60 and 70 degrees with the humidity between 40 and 60 degrees. Your basement should have a dehumidifyer if as you say it is, cold/damp. Dress very warmly when you go downstatrs as the cold & dampness, especially the dampness , will make the pain from your spinal arthritis and fibromyalgia unbearable. I speak from experience. Good luck, the lucky little fluff ball may well be alive because of you.
A random question, you may have already thought about this: is there anywhere not on the basement where the chinchilla could live upstairs that wouldn't be as damp/cold for you that the dog wouldn't be able to access?

Mine lives in my living room, which makes it super easy for her to watch me through the whole day and we can have fun random interactions without it being "official play time", but I don't have other pets that I have to keep away from her.

Like Amethyst said, they don't need playtime if they have a good cage. It is fun for them and you and it helps with bonding, but they can still be happy and healthy. Many breeders in fact would argue against more than 30 minutes or so of daily time, with the argument that a lot of chinchillas overdo playtime and there is a risk of overheating. So don't feel guilty if you can't sit and play with the chin for hours; social interaction can be as easy as talking to them, giving them a good neck scratch when they are seeking some attention, or even just being in the room with them watching TV/listening to music.