I just got back from the vet.
And "he" is actually a "she."
The vet said everything looks pretty fine, except for her ears/feet which are dried and chapped, etc. He either she had (some treatable thing I can't name, but wouldn't be much of a problem) or it was cause by the long term horrible condition she'd been exposed to- either way, he said if I continued to care for her the way I've been she'll be fine and her feet will improve.
He did notice she only has one toe nail. Her other nails have either fallen or broken off

uke: and with proper care, he says they may or may not grow back. =(( poor baby...
what sort of chargers against me could I look forward to if I go back to burn the place? Arson can't be that bad can it?
Her teeth also look really good for the lack of chew toys.
And as of right now, she's nesting very comfy in her dust bath, lol.