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Welcome Tawana. I just refound here too and glad to be back. Need a home for a beardie, we are thinking of adding to our zoo here too. My sister just got one and I think they are so awesome. I can't believe how calm hers is.
Hi Tawana! Good to see you again. Nice to hear about your bearded dragon. My nephew has one named Jimmie and they are very fascinating--gross they eat crickets though, but still fascinating!
Hey, T!! :) How's Mathilda?
My Matilda is fantastic Alecia, thanks for asking. She beat the holy crap out of a little pitbull puppy last week at work because he had the GALL to try mounting her as a greeting. She flipped him over and gave him the business! Now he minds his p's and q's. Nothing like a little camp M :D

It is great to be back!