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Either a violet wrap, a heavily marked white violet, or a ebony white - pudgy squishy faced :neener: right now though it'll be a longgg time before I get another chinnie ! :(
I would love a lil mosaic girl :)

you cant get mosaics in NZ, bah!!!
a super dark ebony with white circles around his big black eyes or a white chinchilla with black circles around its big black eyes, either way looking like a raccoon!
I would love a tan or a BV boy. *Ahem, my order has been in for a while- taps feet impatiently* (joking)

But I do think that med/dark standards with bright white bellies are gorgeous too!
I would love a female mosaic that would be a good cage mate for Beaker, If I got another chin I would want them to be friends with each other, sadly no guarantee of that ::sigh:: but I can dream lol
i have always wanted a dark ebony white, with markings like a black chinnie wearing a white coat! only his head and tail are black! i have seen a picture of one in one of my pet books, so i know they are out there! oh and it will have to be a boy. someday i will get one!