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They're plastic but I highly recommend the top and front loader combo. It makes it so much easier to get Vincenza in and out. She hops in the front and then hops out the top once she gets to the vet. Keeps her from getting too scared if you try and grab her.
I'm sorry, I am bring a carrier with a fleece bottom and thats it. I have read that you shouldnt put a towel over the cage.

Actually I talked to my vet about getting a hedgehog and she is the one the told me I should get a chinchilla. Thats why I find it so funny that this site has both, since I think hedgies and chins are awesome! Trust me I will be on this site faster o then a jump skip and a hop if I run into any kind of problems. Well as soon as I get back from the vet anyways hehe
Just looked at my carrier and it has a big top door, but no side openings. If all else fails, I can left the cage off the bottom platform.
As long as your chin cannot chew a hole and escape from it, the carrier should be fine.

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how long should I keep the chinchilla's cage in my bedroom; before I move it to the living room? Also I have read that some chinchillas enjoy watching T.V. hahaha Just wondering how true that is...
Where you choose to keep your cage is up to you. However, most people do not move their cages around.
Where you choose to keep your cage is up to you. However, most people do not move their cages around.

hmmm... I have read that when you first get your chinchilla, you should keep it in a room that doesnt get much use. Then when its more comfortable with your family, you can move it to a more used room
Also I have read that some chinchillas enjoy watching T.V. hahaha Just wondering how true that is...

My 2 chins are in my room, and they watch TV religiously. They either sit in their ledge and tube and stare :)

If I don't have it on timer when I go to bed, they kack and squeak in the middle of the night until I wake up and turn it on. Whether it's coincidence or not can be left to opinion...but needless to say I don't forget the TV too often!
Thats funny they watch tv. So, should I not worry about the chin being nervous and just put him in the living room to start?
I would put the cage where the chin is going to stay, there is no need to be quiet around a new chin.
I didn't put my girls is a quiet/hidden place. Shelly has always been next to my bed. Button and Artemis went through quarantine in my hallway. Once out of quarantine they came into my room. I don't tiptoe around them. They need to get used to the routine of the house.
I always tell people to put chins out where the people are going to be. They love noise and they really love seeing what's going on. Unless there's a lot of foot traffic or extremely loud things happening the best place to put the cage is where the people are the most. Most people's houses just have a few people in them and they are relatively calm.
Males have the hair ring check, females spray urine with deadly accuracy and distance, give me the hair ring over the spray any day!

That is so true. Faith has perfect accuracy, one time she shot me straight in the eye. Such a lil punk. Still love her though.
Thanks a lot :D Just picked up the chin today! I will make a new post about the meeting, including some pictures.