Ice Pod Pet Cooling Pad - Safe?

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Mar 17, 2012
glassboro and ridgefield NJ
I was looking for things on Amazon for chinchilla goodies for my new chin and saw this :

I was wondering if anyone has it, what they think about it, etc. ? I don't feel like it's entirely safe for chinchillas because the pod looks to be made of plastic. The last thing I want is Gizmo chewing through it to the inside!

Also, I was reading another post on here that using a fan doesn't cool chins because they don't sweat, thus making the fan irrelevant. Other than an air conditioner, is there any other cooling methods you have all picked up to be used? I live in NJ and it's already been super warm outside, so I'm guessing we're going to have a heatwave of a summer. We do have a window unit air conditioner for the room he was in, but I'm a super concerned/worrywort pet owner and want to know if there's anything else I can do. : )
I wouldn't trust it if it's plastic. I bought a couple chinchillers, which are just little granite tiles that stay cooler than room temp. However, air conditioning is a must. I'm in NJ too, and there have been a couple warm days when I have run the air just to bring the temp down a bit then turned it off.
Don't have it, and I personally wouldn't use anything of the sort because the reviews do talk about how it's like a thick plastic. Knowing how chins chew... I wouldn't want to risk it.

Other than blasting the air all summer, I use chilled chin-chillers (in the freezer). I know they can't chew a chunk of granite off, but plastic... probably. But the chin-chillers would never do anywhere near a good job without the air on. Unfortunately, there's nothing that can replace air conditioning.
I have the chin chillers too....also have AC , but am too worried too im from New England and its weird hot already I have thermometer right by my cage and am monitoring temps ....Im scared the power will go out with a storm and chin will get hot ..Im already thinking of emergency tactics to keep her cool if we ever loose power...just the other day a person hit a pole and we lost power for a few

I even have HUGE blocks of ice frozen in containers to possibly stack around the outside of cage if we ever loose power to cool her down.. Usually power gets restored in summer fast but I wont take any chances

I did hear fans wont work they only blow hot air around plus fans wont take care of humidity
I know several members use a frozen bottle of water wrapped in fleece. Others in areas where the humidity stays low have used swamp coolers (evaporative cooling). Where is live, it is just hot and humid, so it is all a/c.
The chin-chillers that are granite work great. I have also used a piece of square tile from the local hardware store, and they work good too. I think your chinchilla would chew on or maybe through that plastic one.
I'm also in Nj, I think window mounted fans have some value, especially on those spring/fall days when the day temp rises and drops back to the 50s at night.I've been using one all week and its worked great getting that cool air in to really cool down the room when he's most active at night. Last week the temp was creeping past 73 from the day high, and the fan alone brought me down to 65 for the night w/o the ac. . Broke out the ac today though, not looking good when we're pushing 80 in March!
What about making a fleece pocket for this pad thing? If it's reasonably heavy when frozen, and the fleece opening overlapped AND was on the bottom, I think it could work...
Its quite common for people in the UK to use these and I've never heard of anyone having issues. We do use fleece covers. Hammock Hammock in the UK make covers and they also fit snugglesafe heat pads so one cover fits both :)
They stay cold for quite a while.
I wouldn't trust one of them, it being all plasic and whatever is being used inside to keep it cool (I'm guessing that stuff isn't animal safe, if ingested), but that's just my opinion. When my chin has a tantrum (mostly from not coming out for play time when she wants hehe!), she likes to chew and throw everything in her cage, it would worry me if she decided to go head to head with it..

But maybe it would work if you make a fleece cover for it like other people mentioned, or maybe put it under your fleece liner if your using one of them. That would be safer then putting it all nakked and bare for the chin to use!

The chin-chillers that are granite work great. I have also used a piece of square tile from the local hardware store, and they work good too.

These work really well too I've heard, I hope to be getting some sometime, but I'm in no hurry to get them because she's in the basement/living area with me, it stays nice and cool :p
I am in SC, and in the summer my chinchillas get plenty of tiles everywhere in their cage. I'd never spend the money on an official "chin-chiller," as you can get the same thing for a fraction of the cost.
mistywaterwoman said:
What about making a fleece pocket for this pad thing? If it's reasonably heavy when frozen, and the fleece opening overlapped AND was on the bottom, I think it could work...
I think that's a good idea. If it's heavy enough to stand its ground despite chins' best attempts to turn it over, and/or has a secure closing, I would consider it. We do the same thing to PVC pipes and they (at least not mine) don't chew through the fleece to get to the plastic.
I use these in my carriers in the summer in the car wrapped in fleece, chins don't bother them but I would only use them with some supervision.


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So fleece is definitely safe then? I have a rabbit who absolutely obliterates fleece so I try to avoid it.

I have a chin-chiller. I didn't think of sticking it in the freezer! Thanks for all the great ideas.

But seriously, fleece is a green light? I would think they would try to tear it apart!
If you cover it in fleece it should be ok...just as long as your chin isn't a fleece chewer as previously stated.
My girls have taste tested their fleece when I first put it in there, but they leave it alone. It also comes off in tiny strings so is less of an immediate risk than other fabrics. But yeah, if they're chewing it I'd remove it too... if it's more than a test chew or two.
I use these in my carriers in the summer in the car wrapped in fleece, chins don't bother them but I would only use them with some supervision.

I use a version of this as well. I have these 8 x 8 Rubbermaid ones that I got on clearance at WalMart a few years ago. I've been kicking myself the last couple years because they don't make them anymore. I made custom fleece covers for them, and the chins have not tried to eat them. I'm willing to get one of those pod things to try out and see if they like it. Since its round, I'm going to have to figure out a good way to keep them from the plastic. :hmm:
I like to put the tiles in the fridge for a bit before putting them in the cage. If they get wet or are too icy I'll use custom made custom fleece pockets. I have a bunch of tiles on hand and only put clean ones in the freezer for about 5 mins. A frozen dust bath also works wonders quickly! I keep some dust in the freezer.