I think I'm going to be sick.

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She said she owned a male but didn't really know enough about them? Is the new male going to be okay with her? Se did say there was fighting so I'm assuming she didn't bother to inform herself about proper introductions.

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Nothing yet..
Spends 90% of her time stretched out on her side. Looks uncomfortable. When I do see movements in the stomach she jumps up quickly, kicks her leg, or shifts so it stops. They are rather rough.
I haven't heard her make a peep sine she got here, but this morning I was in bed and heard her let out a little whine like bark.
She still met me at the cage door when I opened it (thinking there might be babies under her or something) and she's drinking now.

So, if she has them I'll post under the babies side of the board.
I've not seen any babies from the female mentioned in this thread.
I have not really seen her laying on her side anymore either.
She's down to 810grams from the 865 she was when she got here.
(She was on junk food so I did expect a decline in weight.)

Really confused me as what I caught in film looked like babies. I wasn't the only one who thought so?

Today she is grinding her teeth.
Not sure what that's all about.

May 26th will mark 111 days since she got here.

I would assume, that if she was pregnant and aborted for whatever reason - I would have seen some evidence or have noticed her health decline in some way? Right?
One more question.
I just looked at her cone and vagina opening. It is not an abnormal color, no odor, but there seems to be a sticky clear fluid coming out. The area around her is slightly raised (kind of looks like a relaxed males testes.)
Again, no abnormal looking swelling, color or odor.

What does this mean?

The vet should be giving me a call about something totally different, but I will talk to him too.

Also, everything looks very much 'closed'.
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I had a rescue awhile back that I was positive was pregnant. Had the round-feeling stomach, elongated nipples, everything. I've bred for years and believe me when I say, I was positive she was pregnant when I got her. But... she never delivered. The stomach deflated, nipples shrunk now to a normal (non-pregnant size), and she settled down to a weight about 150 grams lighter. There was never any evidence of the abortion/miscarriage, or anything like that, just the weight drop and the pregnancy evidence went away.

If she was going to deliver, there should definitely be some weight gain, especially considering her latest delivery date would be later this month. Even with food switches, I've still seen a weight gain when a chin is pregnant.

If the fluid doesn't smell, I believe it can just be that she's in heat. However, I haven't had the experience to deal with any of the uterine infections, so hopefully someone else can come along and let you know for sure.
I have a older female that never gains weight. She looses about 25 grams the last month and always gives me a big healthy single kit. She's the exception but I wouldn't rule out kits till the last possible due date.
I'm pretty sure the discharge was just heat.
I was able to pick her up today and check it out again after reading about infections, I got worried. The area wasn't as wet, only by the cone and she did seem 'open' today as some people describe chins in heat.
The fluid is just clear. No smell, nothing.
I had two females do this at the same time. They both gained a lot of weight, the nipples got longer and they began hanging out in the bottoms of their cages. Then, when they should have been due, they both lost weight and there was never any sign of kits. My best guess would be a false pregnancy (or two in this case). That was about a year ago. This weekend one of the two gave me a set of twins. I also have two two girls who don't gain any weight at all when they are pregnant and they deliver healthy kits, usually twins.
So chinchillas can have false pregnancies?
Like rabbits?

That just still doesn't explain the movement in her sides.
Like rabbits too, would you be able to see the digestive tract moving? Is that possible with chinchillas? I know it's easy to mistake the movement as babies in rabbits.