I think I'm going to be sick.

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She's 862 grams.
I can't touch her sides. Tried and she jumps. Only her head and back.

Edit: mother asked how many they have (guess she doesn't remember my chins litter)
"you know..like..seven?"

Nah I told her 2..3max but anything else would be uncommon.
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She's a cutie. Glad you rescued her. It's nice to know that forgotten chins go to good homes with people who really care. It breaks my heart that people buy pets they don't truly understand and then just get rid of them.

Chins are such sweet and loving companions and I'm really glad your new addition will have a wonderful life to look forward to.
Thank you. She seems to be a real sweetheart even though she's gone through a lot the last couple days.
I think she'll make a great pet once all of this is over with!

I don't know if I'm seeing movement here,
I took a little video. You can focus on her breathing, but also see just on top of the breathing movements there's...extra rolls/vibrating going on. There's a 1080HP option on the video per youtube, so it'll be clear if you choose that.
The tail tip relaxes when the more evident movement occurs. (around :20 seconds)

Oh and, she's not really aggressive at all.
I was petting her head, scritches, even got a few fingers on her side.
She did get fussy when I tried to go towards her chin though.

Its interesting to note how different chins react to different areas. My first chins likes to be pet on his head and upper body, and absolutely love his stomach getting scratched. But will freak out if you touch his lower half of his body. (He associates that with a prelude to being picked up.) His son is exactly the opposite. Doesn't mind being pet on the bottom half of his body, but hates anyone trying to touch his head.
I don't think that bigger litters or mastitis are uncommon personally.

I'd definately get her into a baby safe cage as soon as you can. As for the bald spots, if they're not ****s, which you should be able to see the nipple in the middle if they are, then they're just rubbed off areas of fat rolls. I think she looks like a healthy chin to me.
I've not read up on mastitis in chinchillas too thoroughly, so I was asking based on reading a few pages. If there are any links to accurate information I'd be interested in seeing them.
She's already in a baby safe cage.

I did get a closer look today and they look like rub marks. No nipples from what I saw.
Looking at that video I definitely see a lot of extra movement towards the top but... I'm no judge. Perhaps an alien's about to burst through her back?? O.O My guess, is she's very pregnant... I could definitely be wrong. Its that or the aliens. :thumbsup:
I was able to put my hand in the cage and feel her tummy side...
She has a pea-sized lump in front her right leg? I don't know what it is.
Back right leg.
It's like a bump that feels close to the skin.
It's not mastitis, she's just had a litter not too long ago. You'd see real redness if mastitis. She may be at the four month line, but she may have gotten pregnant while still nursing the previous litter or is pregnant in her second horn from before that litter. If a mom get's pregnant while still nursing one litter, the teets don't shrink (for lack of a better word). I'm betting she's pregnant too. If she is, she's in a good place. Blessings . . .
I did see her nipples last night (was very hard to get her to stand long enough to blow in her fur)
they are long..about to the tip of her fur. Didn't look red or anything, just the pinkish from what I could see before she sat back down.

If she is, I'd be excited so long as she is healthy enough to have them without complications. Since the dad is black velvet, I think it'd be fun to see what BV babies look like if she has one. I just hope for females! (can pair up with mom and another female here) I don't have any males that would accept another right now.

I'm all babied out though really.. I just brought the last of a litter I was raising to the shelter to be adopted out.
Was fostering a litter of gerbils from 1 day old to their weaning point (5-6 weeks), and a litter of guinea pigs (with ringworm) from 2 days old to their weaning/recovery point (8-9 weeks).
I felt the lumps again.
The lump was in the same spot as last night. There also seems to be another one lower and more to the middle that is new or I just didn't feel last night. It feels like it might be a tad bit smaller in size.
I don't think her tummy is squishy, but it's not 'bloated' per say either.
I don't really know what to think.
If she is pregnant, could I just being feeling the babies a bit more because her tummy isn't bloated? Or should I be looking towards something else now?
Those are pretty big baby movements, and if her nipples are about the length of her fur she needs to be in a baby safe cage now. That's 1/2" wire spacing, a kit will go right through the cage she's in right now.
Thanks Riven for confirming.. I was looking at it tonight and was thinking the spaces were too big.
I'm going to pick up some hardware cloth first thing tomorrow.
I wasn't thinking as the last time I ha kits they were in a ferret nation wrapped in hardware cloth.

She has been trying to find a spot on he side that is comfortable, and is drinking more water today. I wonder if she's closer than I thought and just hiding it because she's in a new place.
She is in an empty room where it's a bit warmer and the only other thing here is my rabbit. She makes a bit of noise, but I don't think it's enough to further bother Lucy. (oh, I named her)
I'm going to sleep in front of the cage tonight as she's acting funny today, and with my luck she'll have them tonight before I can get the cloth wrapped. I do not have a cage with smaller bar spacing, and would have to transfer to a small carrier otherwise.

Considering I'll be on the floor and my head about a foot away, I don't think I'll miss the sound of baby chirps.

My mother has put pressure on me to try and catch the birth on camera/in person so she can see. lol! I'm a night owl, so getting up to check every now and then until she has them won't be too bad.

I told her I wouldn't want to stress Lucy out with someone else coming in the room during it, so if I happen to be sleeping there I'll just throw my camera on quietly.
I'm not sure the details, but it might not be safe to keep a rabbit and chin in the same room? Or is that just the same cage/proximity? I know that rabbits carry things that can make chins very sick, so it might not be especially safe to have a rabbit and baby chins near eachother.:hmm:
I've not heard anything about them living in the same room being bad?

No babies yet..I also haven't seen kicking again.

Maybe it's because I'm watching her closely, but I see her reaching down and eating her poop..a lot more than I feel is normal?

Other than that, she looks miserable at times with laying on her side or laying with her head flat, stretching, drinking/eating somewhat very little, and she's grooming herself often. Mostly being near her genital region.

In going to read up more on what complications look like, but she still lights up and chews everything so I think we're doing alright.