I really hope this one keeps his markings !

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Now about 225 gms here are his latest...



He is gorgeous! I love that pattern. I bet he grows out like my Oreo. She has not given me a baby like her, or even a white, but I hope one day she does! A breeder once told me to breed a dramatic mosaic with a black velvet to get more dramatic or tri colored mosaic kits, but I have not had any luck with that! I also really like pink whites that have beige on them, I am trying to get some kits like that too, but no such luck either. I have one with a nice beige smudge on her head, she is growing out nicely. I love pink whites and mosaics!
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You're soooo lucky that he kept his unique markings all this time!!! So many of them seem to lose it all!!! He's so gorgeous! *JEALOUS* hehe

Chantel, my Finnley, who just passed away a few weeks ago.. :)cry3:)
He was born with a beige patch over his eye and over the following months developed another beige patch on shoulder...the same side as the eye patch.
I'll miss seeing him grow spots...
Just gorgeous. I love his markings. Can't wait to see him as he continues to grow.