I posted this on facebook for any input I can get from friends there, and also thought parents might be able to help me out here. I think my 11 year old son, Josh has become a little jealous over the attention his older brother, Brandon gets because of his seizures. For a bit, Josh would pretend to have seizures himself. Then he would constantly have small movements - touching his face or scratching his head. Now he seems to have a tick - more like he makes this quiet sound over and over again that he says he can't control. But it seems to not happen most of the day, more toward evening, and definitely more when someone is around to hear. I think he is just looking for attention, and this isn't some condition that has suddenly popped up. Do I address his new "condition" and give him the attention he seeks, or do I completely ignore it so that he will stop making this sound as a way to get attention? Any ideas?