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At a state show here in CA a few years ago a sick chin was brought into the show area for purchase and several chins got sick along with a death, my chins were in the show and put at direct risk since that person was in our group and passed the sick chin around. IMO pet owners have no business putting their chins in a show, there is no point and not worth the risk.
Viruses can be brought into a show from both large breeders and pet owners alike. If anything a petowner will have a closed herd with no contact with other animals, whereas a breeder may have contact with new animals coming and going all the time. A "petowner" is capable of giving just as good care if not better because the animals are in a position to recieve individual attention and therefore illnesses may be noticed earlier. Not that I am trying to knock the care and attention given by large breeders, because I am sure that they give their animals excellent care, just saying that when you have fewer then it is easier to give individual care.
Large breeders are not the problem nor are pet owners. The problem is when there IS a issue everything is kept a secret until its too late to do anything about it.