I Love My Little Poop Machines - Photos and Video

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I think I have decided that their names are Yuki (meaning "snow" in Japanese) and Momo (meaning "Peach" in Japanese). What do you think?

Last night, I was putting some more hay in their cage, and one of the little cuties really, really wanted to come out of the cage. She kept hopping in my lap. I would hold her and pet her for a second and put her back in, and she would hop right back out on me. And I felt so bad when I would close the door because she would just sit there with her little hands on the door trying to get out. Then she would just stare at me so sad looking like "Mommy, please let me out and play with me."

I came VERY close to naming my little guy Miyuki....before I realized he wasn't a female, ;) I think Yuki's precious. I like Japanese names period. I tried and tried to name mine such names, but none fit. I eventually named them after a poet and philosopher, respectively, :D

Aww, such a sweetie pie. So great that they're friendly and obviously have taken to you so well.