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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
OK! OK! OK! I finally get it!. Just too hard to break into the "in" group here. I tried to befriend through chat and PMs with little result. I hear ya. Two months is long enough IMHO.

I also hear you're tired of my photo/video posts about Handbag? Got the PMs. :) I get it! I'll stick to questions about Handbag's chinny issues. :)

I'll still be a faithful lurker!!!! Too much good info here to ignore! I appreciate the expertise. I still have a lot to learn and I'm hoping to learn much more!

i hope that you dont think we dont like Handbag pics. we love them! theres even an emoticon that says "we want pics!". we're never tired of them at all! i know that there's a thread limit per day, though. the Handbag vids/pics are not bad at all! by any means!

just a personal thought: keep in mind that the forum comprises ALL issues related to chin/hedgie care. with so many threads per day, the "emergencies" or other threads that members ask may become lost with all the "chin-chat". i know that after not checking CnH for a day, i have 3 or 4 pages of new threads to read. since a lot of them are fun pictures, its just more difficult to find the ones posted by members who need advice. Don't stop with the pics- but what about putting them in one thread? like "Handbag's October adventures" and you can add to it all you want!

those are just some of my thoughts as to what may be going on.

oh and quick question: who is the "in" crowd? i pretty much LIVE in chat during the week, and i know that we include all members who want to participate in chat. please dont think anything is a personal issue.
Annie when you first came on here and started posting, I wasn't sure what to think of you. Then I saw a tribute you did on your hamster and it was very touching. Ever since then I have always checked out your pictures and I also enjoy seeing pictures of Handbag. Sometimes you just can't please everyone.
Just too hard to break into the "in" group here. I tried to befriend through chat and PMs with little result.!
Who cares about being in the in group? I've been on here from day 1 and over a year on the past forum. I am the silly goofball with the occasional funny and or stupid comments. I hope if you want a group you know you can be in mine. :pillowfight:
I don't know what happened either but all I want to say is that Handbag is one lucky chin to have you as his owner. Someone who loves him so much and spends loads of time with him and are having so much fun together. It's really great seeing it in pics as well! I do hope you stick around!
Annie - I have no idea what you are talking about with the "in" group, but I haven't seen anyone being mean to you or crappy about your picture posting. I asked you not to post pictures that might relate to the calendar, but that goes for everybody. You weren't being singled out.

I would be incredibly surprised if you were treated badly in chat. I flat out don't believe it. All the people that I talk to in chat, and they are the regulars, love seeing the Handbag photos and videos.

I do like Luci's idea though, of maybe putting all of it into one thread. Maybe one for pictures, one for videos, for exactly the reason Luci mentioned. Handbag's fans will always find the pictures and videos and comment on them.
What? What happened? Shelly says you can't go. She told me when we were looking at Handbags piggies. Don't know what happened but we do like you and Handbag. My favorite people are the ones who love their pets as much as you do.
I love Handbag! Don't you know that by now? :D

I know that sometimes they don't like too many threads and pictures because it drags down the forum or something along those lines. And, I know that they LOVE it when you combine things to be in one thread instead of putting out a bunch of threads. It doesn't matter much to me, but I don't know a whole lot about running a forum like this...

I do know for sure that Handbag is very welcome here. We love talking to you in chat. Who was mean to you? I can convince that person to be nice from now on. hehehe ;)
Waaait a minute! I know what happened! Everybody hates Anna:impatient:(just kidding) not Annie! I just Pm'd Anna by mistake instead of Annie.
You better shape up Anna :rofl:
It's a web forum, not a popularity contest, but from the threads I've seen, you've gotten more positive responses than negative. I'm not sure what happened, but I'm sorry your feelings were hurt. I'll miss reading about some of the antics Handbag gets upto, though I can understand how 1 thread for photos and 1 for vids might cut down on the bandwidth/server fees in the future. :)
:O I love handbag stuff! If you aren't putting it on here, set up a blog on tumblr or something- but deffo give us the link! then you can fill it with vids, pictures and stories!!
I'd go there for my daily dose of funny animals....like maru the cat, thats a good blog i urge you all to follow for funny cat antics! ;)
aww i love handbag, in fact i have one of his videos on my favorite list for when i need a smile, he reminds me of my Silkie,who, as much as i love Kishi, i still miss very much
Oh, Annie, you and Handbag CAN'T leave!!! You absolutely make my day EVERY time I see a post!!!

I can't even get into chat because of the "&" in my name, but I'm not ready to change it just yet, since I'm not much of a chatter via typing...now talking, that's a whole 'nother story!!!

I LOVE YOU AND HANDBAG!!! :thumbsup: