I have to sit down....

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
I'm just here because my heart is beating so hard right now. :)

At this time during the day it's chinnie playtime groups. I have a chin, who is a bad furchewer and who gets to run every time we have playtime.

I went to go take him out of his cage and put him the hallway but there was no movement in the cage. Dexter is very active and loves attention. I called him and nothing. He was sitting at the back of his cage not moving....so my heart starts beating like crazy because I think something is wrong.

No, nothing's wrong. He's just back there hanging out sleeping...and when I touched him he jumped up and gave me a dirty look. I gave him a shreddie, which he ate. As I stood there and watched him he would stop chewing on his treat and look up at me as if to say, "Why are you still here?"

Chins are fun...they are taking years off my life.
I think it's their little mission in life to see how many times they can scare us and try to give us a full head of grey hairs by the time we're 30. :)
lol..........happened to me the other day. i was calling for my boy and nothing! and i couldnt find him, come to find out he was all the way in the back his house. i knocked on the house and out he jumps! which made me jump! then i was so happy to see him i gave him 1/2 a shredded wheat. (was saving the other half for later in case he decided to scare me to death again!!)
Yup they do it on purpose, all animals do, just to mess with us humans that spoil them crazy... they still just have to mess with us and give us heart attacks...dam animals, we love them tho right...
I totally hear you on this one! I've had quite a few mini heart attacks since last December when I got my 2 boys. Funny how my dog and all the other little amphibians and reptiles don't cause that much of a stir.
I've had that happen with a few of my chins but one of my ferrets is the worst. I have an older ferret, around 5 years old, and he sleeps ALL the time. He's very healthy, but the older he's gotten the lazier he is. He sleeps so sound that sometimes I can't wake him up. I'll pick him up and hold him like a baby in my arms and give him kisses and he won't even open his eyes. I have to almost shake him to wake him up sometimes and he gives me this horrible look and then takes off. Once he's finally awake he mopes around the room and finds a bed to go and lay in and goes back to sleep while my other 2 do their war dances.
They're little drama queens...what I can say. If it's not one thing, it's another. They're climbing up the back of their cage during playtime, or they get in the air ducts of the house, or they escape at 3 am so you keep hearing rustling until you figure out it's a chin chewing on your nicest pair of heels...

One thing is for sure...if they weren't so cute and darling, I would never put up with this. They are lucky that I find them to be precious! :)
Threewingedfury: I have the same issue with one of my Ferrets, it is the scariest thing when they sleep like that. Unfortunally this one has Insulinoma (sp) so I panick all the time, I even have one ferret that screams in her sleep scares the bejesus out of me EVERYTIME.
My chins scare me too they seem to sleep in the wierdest of positions Sumo always looks like she got stuck behind her tubbie but thats the way she likes to sleep. Jose always lays down when he sleeps scared me the first few times because I never noticed it really until he was attacked by the cat and I had to watch him closely.
Oh well if its not the fur kids it is the skin kids.
Sometimes Wesley will just flat out lay in the middle of the shavings! It's the scariest thing I've ever seen! I always think he's dead--nope just sleeping on the floor instead of his comfy hammock or fleece tube!
It's funny that we have formed a makeshift support group for this. Our animals sleeping positions have made us emotionally unstable.

Right on! Right on!!

I totally agree... Sometimes, you can find the boyfriend and I huddled up so close to our chin's cage, hoovering in every possible direction... only to find out she can be a pretty deep sleeper or she's just doing something silly. :wacko:
Thank you for the support system, I have woken up many a nights just to check on my little dozers just to turn the light on and shake cages and get the stink eye from EVERYBODY cause I woke them up. It is nice to know that I am not the only one that gets scared by their fuzzys.
Yeah and then you touch them and its ALL your fault you woke them up!! I tell ya these guys are enough to bring out the OCD in me. LOL
Kunya and Ashe play tricks on me ALL the time! I never knew that chins were so dramatic until now! I think having more than one has taught me their ways! I still love them dearly though and continue to spoil them silly!