I found this really interesting / Poor Spud

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Wow! Poor little guy, I remember a little one in Europe who was missing most of his spines, but nothing that extreme!
His skin does look itchy. :( I read that they bathe him daily and put baby oil on his skin. Hopefully that does help a bit.
If anyone has any ideas what could be causing it, or what could help clear it up, they are looking for any suggestions.
His skin does look itchy. :( I read that they bathe him daily and put baby oil on his skin. Hopefully that does help a bit.

I read that too. Poor Spud! I hope they find something to help him. He sure is lucky, though, to have been found and taken care of like that. At least he's a happy little guy! :hearts:
His poor skin is so flaky! I'm assuming they've already tested for all the usual things like mites and fungal infections. Poor little fella! I'm glad they are looking after him.
I wonder if he has some extreme allergy. I had an allergic cat once that had outrageous levels of histamine and it could not be controlled. He had to be put down. It was sort of an autoimmune disease. He had bald flakey patches of skin, mostly on his ears and head.
Those huge flakes of skin look just like Emma when she had the hormonal issues. Obviously he isn't having uterine issues but it still could be something hormonal. Emma was almost bald and would have been had she not started to bleed which was when we figured out it was hormonal.

Baby oil is horrid and very harsh on skin and will be clogging his pores.
Princess Chloe has some major skin issues and they still flare up once in a while. She never looked like that, but she still has bald spots where she lost quills. When her skin issues flare up her skin gets huge flakes the quills drop off and her ears get kind of like that poor little guy's. I think I will try and show my vets the article see if they have any ideas. We use Histacalm shampoo on her skin and that helps a lot. Besides that we have a whole shelf full of medications we have tried. She even had every test and biopsy our vets could think of.
Poor Spud, I hope they find something to help him. He is kind of cute though!
Awh.... poor little guy! *hides Kiah's eyes from seeing the pictures*
That poor thing. I'm glad he found someone to take care of him.
This is so sad. I'm very glad someone is taking care of him. I hope they figure out what happened to him.
Oh fuff, that's what my baby looks like... Except she still has a decent (if sparse) coating of quills and plenty of fur. But her skin is flaking away like that... And she has the bald spots with the little white dots where quills should be, but aren't... My heart goes out to that hedgie. I hope they find out what's wrong and can help him.
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