I came home to this...........

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So the boys have won my husband over :) and I came home to new furniture yesterday!! He was a busy man.


Scuse the poop!! I'm not having much luck getting them to poop only on the bottom.
it's all a new experience for me. So he went through the FN post and looked at everyone's cages. I made the hammock and he routered all the wood so there are no rough edges. It's all made of kiln dired pine so they can chew, chew, chew!! I'm working on liners for the bottom now so I can get rid of the bedding (since they don't seem to care where they drop em!). But I'm having fun with it and it's a work in progress.
That was sooo sweet! He did a good job! Maybe yours can teach mine a thing or 2! lol
Looks very nice. I do want to offer a word of caution, though. Be careful with that bridge...that'd be a very easy place for hands/feet to get caught and broken. It has happened many times before. If it were me, I'd remove it.
Nice hubby! The cage looks great. I agree with Laura. Be careful with that bridge.
I'll be careful. I can't take it out that would break my hubby's heart. It's spaced well and they seem to do ok on it. I noticed others use bridges as well.
The bridges you've seen are wired TIGHTLY together...not spaced. If they are spaced, I hope they'll heed the warning as well.

Breaking your husband's heart over a bridge will be easily repaired compared to a broken chinnie limb and amputation.
Can you ask your hubby to remove the coins and just wire the pine close together? That way the bridge will be safe and it will still be in the cage.
Others do use bridges but they don't have the spaces between the slats. I would just explain to hubby that the bridge is wonderful, but it would be safer if he changed the slats to not have the little beads inbetween.
He did an awesome job.

I will echo the responses to redesign the bridge. I have two trip chins who came to me after having broken legs amputated. It's not worth the risk. You can use the beads from the bridge to make hanging toys so nothing will be wasted. :thumbsup:
looks great! I busted out laughing over the poop comment! When any of us can figure out how to get them to poop where we want them too that will surely be the day!
You should probably just get used to the entire cage being covered with poop lol...
Well done. Ian still trying to build a cage of my own with a 3rd x1.5th tank but it's simply difficult... Any tips?