Could someone please tell me what the recommended humidity level is for chinchillas. I am worried about the chins comfort (heat and humidity-wise) and also concerned about fungus.
You now live in one of the lowest average humidity regions in the country. I live in Seattle and don't worry about humidity unless I start feeling uncomfortable. But I also have exhaust fans (note, these are not fans blowing air ON the chins, but move lots of air through the chin area) and open windows for good air exchange which is essential. If I feel humidity is getting up there I dust bathe more often. Air conditioning also does a good job of reducing the relative humidity. I would live living out there for the dry air alone for the chins...
Normally, you are correct. This last few months have been really wet in Aurora. We have the chinchillas in the basement, along with the washer and dryer. We also have a swamp cooler instead of ac. The humidity in the house has been hanging around 50% to 60%. The basement has been up to 75% tough it is usually not much more than the rest of the house. We bought a dehumidifier but it is warming up the basement to the upper limits of what is considered safe for the chins.
My chins are also in the basement but I've been lucky with my basement staying under 70 degrees for the most part year round. I also have my washer and dryer in the basement. I do find that I have to use the dehumidifier in July, August and most of September as it's gone as high as 60% humidity. My concern with high humidity was because of the chins and possible mold. I now set up my dehumidifier to turn itself off when it reaches 45-50%.
Ah, well that definitely complicates things! It is problematic that swamp coolers increase humidity, which would normally not be a problem except with higher precipitation comes more moisture in the foundation, basement, and the more humid air sinking into the basement. Yikes! What temperature does the dehumidifier bring the basement to and at what humidity?
The dehumidifier heats up the basement to 74-76 degrees and about 45% humidity. Left alone, the humidity is about 60 to 65% and the temp is a steady 69 degrees.
Some may argue but I think you're okay there. If either number increases I would worry. But, my gauge is if the chins look really lethargic. Laying down a lot. Then I turn on the aircon. Are most doing that?
70 and 70 would be my absolute limits and Id be trying to lower from there. I think at 45-60% you're ok with a 69 temp you'd be ok. Just keep a cool chin chiller or something in if you've got it. (I have two so i can rotate one through the fridge/freezer if it's ever needed) And check in on the chins. Any odd behavior, weird ear postitions, things like that may be a signal, along with redder ears or any other signs of overheating.