humidity issues

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
I live in a very got humid area 60%-80% and in my room it says it is like 55%. This seems high, i dont know what a good humidity lvl is. Should I get a dehumidifier for my room? will this make it too hot in the room?
where do you live? depending where you live and how hot the room gets where your chin(s) are at. 55 isn't bad. normaly chins satay at temp of 65 to 70 degrees. if your humidity is higher them you temp then you need to use a/c to get the humidity down int hroom for the chins. i ave a thermonitor and it had the humidity and temp on it so i know what the temp is in here at all times. some may tell you that's high . but for me in my area that's an ok range ..
55% is high humidity. I panic when I hit 45% humidity and try to always keep my humidity at 35%. If you start getting higher humidity like that, you may start battling fungus, and trust me, that's a crappy battle.

The battle with the dehumidifier goes on here every summer. If you are running a/c in your room and keep the dehumidifier away from the chin cage, it should help without making it incredibly hot. A/C's are just not even touching the humidity out here this year. We've been running humidity over temp all summer long and it's miserable.

Mommyslittlechins - I may be misreading, but it sounds like you don't have an A/C for your chins? Are you saying that 55% is fine, but if it goes higher get an a/c?
I have central air and i actually got a window unit too to help our ac out. So it stays at like 68-72 degrees. I live in south carolina right on the ocean so humidity is a fact of life here. I have a thermometer that tells me both temp and humidity and sometimes it says the humidity is normal and sometimes it says that it is too high. So my temp is higher than the humidity atleast on the inside(it is like 80 outside and it feels like 90)and this is on a cool day :). That is the reality of a tropical climate hehe. So let me know if this is ok for Cosmo. He seems fine he is very active at night and he stirs in his cage from sleep when I am in the general area.
I live in FL where the humidity outside is usually upwards of 80%. The humidity never reaches below 45% in the house. It's usually around 50%-55%, and this is with the AC running almost constantly. I dust once a week and have never had any fungus. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that luckily I have never had a problem with it.
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So I think i'm confused...the risk is that i will get fungus on Cosmo? or on his hay? Isnt 55 percent ok considering how high it is outside? I will get a dehumidifier if I have to I just want to fully understand hehe
So I think i'm confused...the risk is that i will get fungus on Cosmo? or on his hay? Isnt 55 percent ok considering how high it is outside? I will get a dehumidifier if I have to I just want to fully understand hehe

You have one chin compared to 300 here. For me, humidity is a huge no no and I fight to keep it as low as possible. I know of several people this year who are battling fungus because they just cannot get the humidity down in their chin areas. I didn't say it "will" happen, I said it "could" happen.